Chapter 16

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Jace's POV

I can't believe that Clary would do that. I thought that she actually loved me. I guess I thought, and hoped, wrong. Pandemonium was my go to spot when I needed to forget something. I have been here more times than I like to talk about. By the angel, I thought. A lot of bad things have happened to me. Why me? What did I do to deserve it?

These thoughts were still going through my head as I walked into Pandemonium. I have been here so many times, by myself and with my other friends, that the bouncer just nodded his head and let me in. I could hear some of the guys whisper "What?" as I just walked easily in. I could also feel the girls' eyes on me as I walked past them. I used to enjoy all of the attention, but that all changed when Clary came into my life. Clary was all I thought about anymore. I loved her, but she made it clear that she didn't feel the same way. I can't believe I'm actually going to think this, but I actually sympathize with Simon. Wow, I must really be out of it right now.

I shook my head, trying to get that horrid thought out of my head and started to make my way over to the bar that just happened to be on the other side of the dance floor. I got stopped multiple times by girls who wanted me to dance with them. I had to kindly say no, which I knew disappointed them. It killed me, too. Not the fact that they were disappointed, but the fact that they thought that they could ever hold a special place in my heart. My heart was reserved for Clary and my family, no one else. If they had come up to me before Clary, I would have gladly stopped and danced with them, but my mind was only on Clary.

It took me way longer than I expected to get to the bar, but, when I did, I sat down and motioned to the bartender.

"Hello Mr. Jace. The usual?"


As soon as he came back with the first drink, I gulped it down like it was nothing. "Keep them coming. It's going to be a long night."

After about 30 minutes of this, I took a break and turned around so that I could see the front door. The people that walked in were the exact people that I wanted to get away from in the first place. I started to get up when I noticed that they had a new girl with them. She was so beautiful. She was talking and laughing with two boys. I didn't know for certain, but they looked like Vincent and Nick. Where did they find her? I thought to myself. Suddenly, Izzy started to drag her to the dance floor. I knew what that meant: they were going to use her as bait. That girl will help me get my mind off of Clary. I'll just get her attention during karaoke. Time to go work my Jace magic, I thought to myself as I started to make my way over to the small stage that was reserved especially for karaoke.
Hey guys. I just thought that I would put in a little of Jace's point of view. Music video makes sense next chapter. I hope that you guys like it and I promise that I'll get to the karaoke scene next chapter. Questions:

1) What do you think of the softer side of Jace?

2) What do you think Jace is going to do for karaoke?

3) Jia (Jace and Mia): yes or no?

Thank you all for reading and for your support.

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