Chapter 48

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Pic: my corsage from junior prom
Mia's POV

"Say what now?"


I took a deep breath. "When were you planning on telling me this?"

"I wanted to tell you. Trust me, I really did. But, they wanted to see if your memories came back on their own."

"Who's they?"

"I...can't tell you."

I rolled my eyes and turned around to fix my gaze on the other side of the room. The stairs creaked as Vincent got up and moved to stand behind me. I stiffened a little and could tell that Vincent saw as he sighed again. He wrapped his arms around my waist and rested his head on my shoulder before he started talking.

"I still love you. I don't want anything to come between us. You should have seen what happened between Jace and Clary. They thought they were brother and sister and Jace had heavenly fire in him, but nothing stopped them from being together. If they can overcome that, then I think that we can do this."

I sighed and had to choke back a sob. What he said was true and a part of me couldn't help but agree with him. If they could do, I thought to myself. Jace and Clary are different. I can't risk hurting him.

"I'm sorry," I mumbled as I jumped down from the top of the stairs and ran. I heard Vincent calling my name and a pair of footsteps following me, but that only made me run faster.

Mia! I heard Vincent yell in my mind.

I can't. I'm sorry, but I can't risk the safety of everyone, including you.


I could hear the desperation in his voice and let a few tears fall down my face before raising a hand to roughly wipe them away. Suddenly, I realized that I had been too concerned about not crying and getting away from Vincent that I no longer heard footsteps following me. I slowed down to a stop and leaned against a door to catch my breath.

Suddenly, the door opened and I half fell, half was pulled into the room. I was turned around and two hands were put on the door on either side of me, blocking my escape. I opened my mouth to say something, but was cut off by a pair of lips crashing into mine. My eyes flew open, wider than they already were and I found myself looking into the mesmerizing blue eyes of none other than Vincent. He closed his eye and deepened the kiss. I tried to pull away, but he moved his hands to my waist and pulled me closer. He kissed me with such passion and longing that I could tell he was trying to make me forget about everything that had happened during the past day. I had to admit he was doing a pretty good job. The only thing that was keeping me from kissing him back was the nagging thought that something bad could happen if things went further.

I could tell that Vincent knew that I was hesitating because he moved his hands to my face. He cupped my chin and moved my head up so that I had no choice but to kiss him back. It's not that I had any problem with kissing him. It's just...what Jem told me kept replaying in my mind.

What if something happens? What if someone gets hurt? I thought.

Screw "what-ifs," Mia. Just do what you want to do right now, Vincent thought back.

It felt like a fire within me was ignited when he said that. I suddenly didn't care about what might happen and all "what-ifs" were gone from my mind. Putting my arms around his neck, I kissed him back with almost as much passion as he was kissing me. He seemed shocked at first, which made me smile, but he quickly smiled and deepened the kiss even more. After a few wonderful minutes of us kissing, Vincent broke away a little.

"So, does this mean you're still mine?"

"Vincent..." I trailed off which made his face fall. "Even though I'm still concerned about what Jem told me, I don't want to live my life afraid of loving someone. I will still think about what he said, but I'm not going to let it control my decisions. I will still be yours on two conditions."

"And what might those conditions be?" Vincent asked, a little fear creeping into his voice.

I smiled and replied, "The first condition is that there be no secrets between us. I've seen what secrets can do to a relationship and I don't want that to happen to us."

Vincent nodded his head. "Okay, that condition doesn't seem too hard. What's the other one?"

"When the time is right, and we aren't worrying about an attack by an unknown thing, I want you to tell me about what happened before I woke up in the lab. I want to know about my past."

Vincent sighed. "Alright. I don't know if you'll particularly like it, but I do think that you deserve to know."

I smiled and reached up to kiss him one more time. I took a deep breath and smiled a genuine smile.

"Alright. Then, is there something that you would like to ask me?"

Vincent smiled. "Mia, would you do me the honor of being my girlfriend? Again?"

I laughed and nodded my head. "Yes," I said. Still smiling, I hugged him and he immediately hugged me back.

"Well then, should we head back to the library? I bet Izzy is just dying to hear about this."

I laughed again and said, "Yeah. I'm going to be up all night talking about this with her."

We both laughed and he opened the door, saying, "After you, m'lady," before bowing a little.

"Why, thank you very much kind sir," I replied, smiling at him as I walked out the door. Vincent closed the door and took my hand, starting to walk back down the hallway we had just ran down.

"I have one question," I said.

"Ask away."

"How did you get into that room without me hearing or seeing you?"

"Oh...that happens to be one of the powers that I have. I can run faster than anyone or anything on the planet."


He laughed before saying, "No, not really. There are tons of secret passageways around this place. That would be a cool power to have, though."

I laughed and watched as he just smiled at me and put his arm around me, pulling me closer to his side. We walked the rest of the way to the library like that, talking and laughing the whole time. When we got to the library, Vincent opened the door and the scene that greeted us was the last thing that I expected to see.
Wow...1,090 word chapter. I don't know how I just did that. I know that you guys wouldn't think that this chapter was hard to write because it was so long, but it actually was. I had the first four paragraphs written for a long time, but I couldn't think of how to complete it. Then, I thought, "Why not get Via back together?" I love them too much to keep them separated for too long. I hope that you guys liked this chapter.


1) What did you think about this chapter?

2) Thoughts on Via getting back together?

3) What do you think Vincent and Mia saw in the library?

4) Questions for the "Ask the Characters" section? Remember, they can be about anything that has happened so far in the story or anything you want to happen or just any questions that you have in general.

Thank you all for sticking with me throughout this journey. I love you all so much.

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