Chapter 32

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Mia's POV

After Izzy, Clary, and I stopped talking, we all started to get ready to go to bed. Before we could lay down, Izzy turned to us.

"I can't believe that we are going to bed now."

"Why? It's 10. We should be going to bed," I asked, feeling really confused...again.

"We haven't done what every girl does during a sleepover. Gossip."

I heard Clary groan. "Really? Do we have to?"

"Yes," Izzy replied. "We do." She said this so matter-of-factly that it made me smile. She definitely was one of those girls that got her way all the time whether other people liked it or not. I think that was one of the main reasons that we became such fast friends. I was still smiling as Izzy led us over to her bed and made us all sit down.

"Alright. What do you want to talk about first? Boys, boys, or boys?"

"I guess we're talking about boys," I replied.

Izzy just nodded her head and said, "I'll start. Simon, my boyfriend, is amazing. I don't care how awkward this is for you, Clary. I'm going to talk about how amazing he is and you are going to listen."

I laughed and shook my head. I soon learned that she was not joking. Five minutes later, Izzy finally stopped talking. "Well, that's enough about Simon. Clary, do you want to go next?"

"Do I have another option?"

"Nope," Izzy said, popping the 'p' as she said it.

"Fine. Well, you guys already know about my baby. I have yet to tell Jace. I feel like we have just grown apart. And Jace may have walked in on me and Howard making out..." Clary trailed off at the end and Izzy and I both just stared at her.

"Um...Howard. The one from the wolf pack? That Howard?" I asked.


"Wow. Did not see that one coming," Izzy said.

We just sat there in silence for what seemed like an eternity. Finally, Clary broke the silence.

"You guys are really quiet. I could really use some help with this Jace situation. I'm really stressed out and I don't know what to do." When she had finished talking, she broke down crying. I looked over at her and moved over to wrap her in a hug. Izzy moved over and joined in. We sat there like that until I heard Clary stop crying. We all sat back and Clary wiped off her face.

"Are you okay?" I asked her.

Clary just shook her head and took a shaky breath.

"I promise we will help you out in any way that you could possibly need," I replied, with Izzy nodding her head in agreement.

"Thanks, but can we not talk about that right now?"

"Sure. Mia still hasn't talked about her boy problem."

I looked over at Izzy and she just smiled. "What are you talking about?"

"You have three boys that like you. Nick, Vincent, and, I'm sorry Clary, but Jace. Want to talk about that?"

"First of all, Jace is Clary's. Especially now that I know about the baby. Secondly, I know that Nick likes me, but he hasn't really done anything. Lastly, Vincent likes me and I'm pretty sure that I like him, too, but I don't know yet."

Izzy looked at me and smiled. "You guys would be so cute together. We could go on triple dates. Well, when we get Clary and Jace back together."

We all giggled and kept talking about everything for about another thirty minutes. Finally, Izzy started to yawn.

"Well, that was fun, but I'm tired. We can all talk again in the morning."

Clary and I nodded our heads in agreement and got settled in to go to sleep. As soon as I closed my eyes, I fell fast asleep and had the most vivid dream.
Hey guys. The music video is Angel With a Shotgun by The Cab. I don't know why I put it on here. I liked the song and thought that I would put it up here. The next actual chapter will be of Mia's dream. The next part that I post, however, will be some shout outs that I want to give out. There are so many awesome people on here and I thought that I would put them on here.


1) Who do you think is in Jace's room now?

2) What do you think Mia's dream is going to be about?

3) Who do you ship more: Via (Vincent and Mia), Nia (Nick and Mia), or Jia (Jace and Mia)?

4) Character ideas? Baby names? Gender preferences for the baby?

5) Ideas or questions for me?

6) What do you like about the story so far and why?

Thank you all so much for reading, commenting, voting, and following. The support that I feel is overwhelming. I love you all.
- blackwolves16

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