Chapter 55

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Picture: Real men don't sparkle unless they're gay or Magnus Bane.

I am currently running down the hallway to Master's office. He had summoned me and everyone knew how much he hated it when any of us were late. When I finally reached the door, I slowed down and took a deep breath before knocking.


"You summoned me, Master," I said as I walked in, closed the door, and bowed.

"Yes. I have an assignment for you."

"Really?" I asked, surprised.

"Yes. I have found a new power and I need to have it on my side in this war. She is more powerful than anything I have ever seen before."

"What does she look like?"

Master pushed a file across the desk to me. I picked it up and looked at the picture that was clipped onto it. The girl had jet black hair and stunning blue eyes. If only this wasn't a mission... I thought before opening the file to read what information Master had gotten on her.

Name: Mia Edwards
Age: 18 years of age
Height: 5 foot 4 inches
Birthday: March 23rd, 1998
Likes: the colors purple, black, blue, and gold; reading; listening to music; the subject English
Dislikes: the color pink; people who hurt her friends and family
Weaknesses: extremely loyal to friends and family; sometimes trusts easily; not fully aware of extent of powers

"What do you need me to do?"

"I need you to get her to trust you. That way, we can more easily get her to transfer to our side."

"And how do I do that?"

"Like it says in the packet, she trusts easily. Find a way to get into the Institute and earn her trust. You have the looks and I am sure you can charm her into trusting you. Do that and then get her to come here so we can turn her."

"Alright. Is there anything else?"

When Master shook his head, I bowed and walked back out the door, carrying the file with me. Once I closed the door, I looked back down at the picture. I don't know how I'm going to do this, I thought to myself as I made my way back to my room to prepare.
Hey guys. I know this chapter was a little short, but I wanted to have some mystery added into this story. I thought that a perfect way to do that was to add a mysterious person's point of view.


1) Who do you think this mysterious person is?

2) Who do you think the master is? I know this is probably a really easy question, but I want to see if you guys have paid attention.

3) Questions? Comments? Concerns? Ideas? Questions for the Ask the Characters section?

Thank you all for reading. I also wanted to take this time to recognize an amazing author on here. 2BTold is amazing. Her story Chances is one of the best stories that I have ever read. You guys need to follow her and read her stories. Thank you all again. Love you all.
-blackwolves16 (aka Megan)

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