Chapter 82

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Mia's POV

I flushed the toilet and leaned back against the wall. What the hell is going on? I thought as I attempted to clam myself down. No, it's fine. I'm still me. Might have a little demon blood in me, but I'm still me. He didn't fully get to me. I shakily stood up and looked in the mirror. Wow...I look horrible. I set to work on removing the makeup that had started to run down my face. When I was almost done, there was a knock on the door. I dried my face before making my way over and opening it to reveal Clary.

"You okay?" she asked as I stepped aside to let her in.

"Define okay," I replied, shutting the door and walking over to sit down on my bed.


"I guess. I mean I did just throw up, but that was probably more based on the fact that I had his blood in me. Wanted to get it out."

"And mentally?"

"Definitely not okay."

"I know the feeling," Clary said, sitting down beside me.

"It's just a lot to take in at one time."

"I know. Believe me when I say it's a lot for all of us. We had no idea of the complete picture for Gray's plan and it is revolting to know what he wanted. All of us here are on your side and we'll do everything we can to protect you."

"No offense, but that didn't really work last time."

Clary laughed softly before saying, "True but this time we know what we're up against. That gives us a better opportunity to ward the place and get backup."

"Let me know what I can do to help."

"Already wanting to jump back into the action? Thought you might want to bolt by now."

"Never said I didn't," I said, turning to smirk at her. "Then I figured I'd be better able to do something if I had people around me who do this for a living. Besides, I want to be there when we bring Gray down."

"Spoken like a true Shadowhunter."

"Guess I've spent enough time around them to pick up their habits."

"It's pretty easy to do, especially with Jace around."

"Not all the other Shadowhunters are like that, are they?"

"Do you really want me to answer that?"

Laughing, I replied, "I guess not," before stretching. "Speaking of Jace, how are things going? Iz told me a little bit, but I want to hear it from you."

Clary took a deep breath before moving so that she was fully facing me. "We are definitely better. He'll actually talk to me about more than just fighting and training and typical Jace things."

"What does he think of the whole baby situation?"

"I mean, obviously it's not ideal, but he said he'd support me through it."

"That's good," I said, turning until I was sitting the same way as Clary. "Right?"

"Yeah it is. I'm glad he's going to be there. I guess I'm still just scared that I'll screw everything up again."

"Screw things up with Jace or being a mother?"


"Do you love him?"

"Jace? Of course I do."

"Did you feel horrible after what happened?"


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