Chapter 53

19 2 14

Picture: Izzy's shoes
Mia's POV

During the walk back to the Institute, I couldn't stop wondering what Izzy had planned. I knew that it had something to do with my birthday, but I was a little scared about what exactly it was.

"Hey Iz, can you give me a hint as to what you're planning?" She shook her head and I let out a loud sigh. A few minutes later, I asked, "Am I going to like it?"

"Mia, I'm not going to answer any of your questions. If I told you anything about it, that would ruin the surprise...but yes you will like it."

"Okay," I said with submission in my voice. I turned my focus on trying to keep up with Izzy who, after the shopping trip, was walking faster than normal. I don't know how she does it, I thought to myself, looking at her shoes, which were higher heels than I could ever walk in.

About ten minutes later, we were standing before the doors to the Institute. Izzy looked at me and pushed them open. As soon as we were both inside, she closed the doors, grabbed my arm, and started dragging me towards her room. She ushered me in when we got there and threw the bags at me.

"Go and change while I get stuff set up out here," she ordered.

I didn't bother with a reply because she had already walked over to her closet to find the outfit that she was talking about earlier. I made my way over to the bathroom and got changed. When I walked back out, I saw Izzy putting the finishing touches on her look. Her dress was form fitting and black. It had long lace sleeves and went to about mid-thigh. There was a break in between where the actual dress was and the lace started at the top that showed off a little bit of cleavage, but not too much. Her shoes were also black. They had an ankle strap and looked to be about seven inches tall. Only Izzy could pull off an outfit like that, I thought as she turned towards me.

She motioned me over to sit in front of her vanity. When I sat down, I got a good look at her makeup. She had put on dark red lipstick, black eyeliner, and mascara that made her eyelashes look even longer than they already were. She had on a light pink blush and gold eyeshadow. Her hair was cascading beautifully over her shoulders and down her back.

I was snapped out of my train of thought by Izzy pulling on my hair. I let out a small squeak of pain when she pulled a little too hard. She muttered a soft "sorry" and continued on, a little more gently. When she finished, I noticed that she had put my hair into a braided bun with a jeweled clip to hold the ends in place. When she was satisfied, she moved to stand in front of me to do my makeup. I watched as she pulled out black mascara, brown eyeliner, and dark pink eyeshadow. She also got light pink blush and what looked like pink lipstick with a gold tint in it. When Izzy finished, she turned around and grabbed something from the top drawer of the vanity. When she turned back to face me, I saw that she had a beautiful black necklace in her hands.

"This necklace, while very beautiful, is very powerful. I have one like it, only it's red. The gem has magic in it that allows it to sense when demons are near. It will start to glow and get warm. I had one made for you so that you can have some form of protection while you're not fully trained."

I smiled at her before saying, "Thank you so much."

She nodded her head and went around to my back to put the necklace on me. When she stepped back, I got up from the seat and leaned closer to the mirror to admire the necklace. A knock at the door startled me out of my thoughts. Izzy ushered me to the other side of the vanity. I looked at her with a confused expression on my face.

"I don't want anyone to see you until later. I'll tell you when you can come out."

I nodded my head and Izzy turned to go and see who was at the door. I stretched my head out a little to see if I could tell who it was. However, Izzy didn't have the door open all the way, so I just leaned back against the wall and tried to hear the conversation (which my new werewolf hearing helped a lot with).

"What is it, Vincent?"

"Magnus wanted me to tell you that everything's set up and we're ready when you guys are."

"Thank you, Vincent. Tell them we'll be down shortly. Bye bye." And, with that, she shut the door and I heard footsteps retreating down the hallway. I stuck my head back out and Izzy motioned for me to come out. She walked over to me and fixed little pieces of my hair that had escaped the braid.

"There you go. Now, have one of these mints and let's get going."

"Why do I need the mint? Does my breath smell bad?"

Izzy shrugged. "No, but you don't know what could happen later on in the night," she replied with a wink.

I rolled my eyes and laughed before taking one. Izzy just looked at me with a smirk before taking one herself and making her way out of the room to wherever it is we're going.
Hey guys. I hope that you liked this chapter. I wanted Izzy to be a bit more serious in this chapter because she had a mission to get done. I hope that you guys liked it as much as I liked writing it.


1) What do you think of Izzy's choices of clothes and makeup?

2) What do you think is going to happen at the party?

3) Any questions for the Ask the Characters section?

Thank you all for your amazing support. Lastly, if anyone wants me to do another Q&A with the Author section, please comment here with any questions that you have. Love you guys.
-blackwolves16 (aka Megan)

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