Author's Note

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Hey guys. I know it's been a little bit since I've posted any updates. Shit happened and I haven't been in completely the best space to write anything worth putting out here. I have a few updates ready for Wolf Girl, but I'm not completely sure when I'll be posting them. I have taken a bit of time to think about the stuff I have published on here and one thing that I'm thinking about bringing back. Here's my plan for each of the things I have published currently and what I'm thinking about doing:

Newborn: Continuing; don't currently have an update ready

The New Hybrid: Continuing; have an update in the works, but it's not completed yet

The New Bad Boy: Continuing; have an update in the works; different type of story than I usually write, so I'm having fun

Wolf Girl: Of course I'm continuing it; got updates in the works and ideas for things I want to happen (that might make you guys not like me too much, but I'm okay with that)

I'm Not Supposed to Love You: Thinking about taking it down; I'm not really into OUAT anymore and don't really have ideas for it anymore

Fangirling: Honestly forgot about it; I'll keep it up if you guys want me to, but I'm not sure how much I'll be updating it

Quotes: Kind of want to start it over; I'm sure there are lots of good quotes in there already, but I don't remember any of them and I definitely have a lot more

Song Lyrics: I honestly want to bring this back because I love music and sharing songs with people. Only problem is my tastes have definitely changed a lot since I took it down. I can definitely find ways to post lyrics to some PG-13+ songs if you guys would want that.

Randomness: Honestly, this would be a combination of a lot of things like advice, my Q&A's, random stuff I've written, and author's notes like this. I feel like this would help keep my stories focused on the stories themselves and the advice thing has been something I've wanted to do for awhile. Let me know if you guys would actually like that.

Feel free either to comment or message me about your thoughts on any of this. I'd really appreciate any feedback you guys want to give. Thank you for reading this if you actually did. Much love.

~ blackwolves16 / Megan

-- If y'all want to know what put me in a bad space: my now ex-boyfriend broke up with me. Kinda saw it coming, kinda didn't, kinda still pissed at him for how and why he did it. I'm good though, or at least getting there. --

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