Chapter 33

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Mia's POV

I was standing in the middle of a field. The grass was a bright green, brighter than any I ever saw back home. I looked around, trying to figure out where I was. Suddenly, there was a blinding light in front of me. I shielded my eyes, but it didn't work very well. Moments later, the light was gone. I took my hand away from my face and was greeted by a being with wings standing in front of me.

"Hello Mia," the person said.

"How do you know my name?" I asked.

"I am an angel. We know everything."

"An angel?"

"Yes. My name is Ithuriel. I believe you know the name."

"My knife. That's the name of my knife."

Ithuriel nodded his head. "Yes. And I am here to tell you why I picked the knife for you."

"Wait," I said. "You chose the knife for me?"

"Yes. It is very rare and means the knife is very special. Would you like me to tell you about it?"

"Yes please," I responded, still awed at what was happening. Ithuriel nodded and, out of nowhere, a bench appeared. I gasped and Ithuriel must have noticed.

"This is a dream, Mia. Anything can happen. Would you care to sit?"
I just nodded my head and followed him. I noticed that his wings had been folded behind him. They were a glorious gold-white color. They looked so beautiful and I could only imagine what they looked like when he was flying.

After we sat down, Ithuriel turned towards me. "Your knife, Ithuriel, is very special, like I said. I chose it for you because there is something very special about you as well. I am sure that you know you are a werewolf. However, you are also a Shadowhunter, like Jace, Isabelle, Clary, and Alexander."

"Really?" I asked, amazed that I could be two such different things at the same time.

"Yes. I will say it multiple times, but you are special. There is something inside of you that has not been around for thousands of years. I would say it has not been around since I was still a human, but that would be too long. No one has been able to figure out what exactly it is that makes you so special. However, the knife was chosen for you because it is special in itself. There are multiple powers that it has. Only one, such as yourself, can activate those powers."

"So, when I first named the knife, that light, only I could do that?"

"Yes. However, there are also other things that your knife can do and there are two other people that can do this. However, we only have a short amount of time, so I can only tell you the powers of the knife. The knife can destroy the evil inside of anything, whether it be human or not. It will come back to you whenever you hold your hand out. Lastly, if you, shall I say, stab another, they will immediately die."

Suddenly, everything seemed to become brighter. I looked at Ithuriel and saw a discouraged look on his face.

"We are out of time. We will see each other again. When, I am not sure. I hope that the information that I have given to you will help you in the near future. Good-bye Mia and good luck."

I watched as Ithuriel opened his wings and the light got brighter. I tried to look as much as I could, but soon gave up. Closing my eyes, I turned my head away until the light completely vanished.

When I opened my eyes, I was back in Izzy's room. So many thoughts were going through my head. I sat up and looked around. Apparently Izzy has gotten up at some point during the night because there was a pile of clothes on the floor by my feet. I picked them up and walked over to the bathroom.

After about fifteen minutes, I was walking down the hallway with my new knife strapped to my belt. I soon got to a door that was slightly opened. I slowly opened the door and stepped inside. There were targets on the opposite wall and a part of me was immediately drawn to them, mostly to see if what Ithuriel told me was true.

I walked over to stand in front of the middle target as I took my knife out of its sheath at my side. I lined it up, flung it through the air, and watched it embed itself in the middle of the target. I smiled and started to make my way over to get it. Remembering what Ithuriel said, I stopped and help out my hand, focusing on the knife. A small gasp escaped my mouth when it came flying back towards me and landed perfectly in my hand. Little did I know, someone was standing by the door and had seen everything that just happened.

"Wow," I heard the voice say. Without a second thought, I turned around and whipped the knife through the air in the direction of the voice. I gasped again when a hand reached out and caught it before it could do any damage. The person then stepped into the room and I laughed when I saw who it actually was.
Hey guys. Hope you liked this chapter.


1) Who do you think are the only other two people that can do what Mia can do?

2) Who do you think is in the training room with Mia?

3) Questions for me? Character ideas? Ideas in general?

Thank you all for your love and support. Love you all.
- blackwolves16

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