Chapter 25

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Clary's POV

Jace. Why did it have to be Jace? I wasn't positive at first that it was actually him, but, as soon as he started playing the piano, it was clear. I could tell that everyone else knew it was him as well. Alec sucked in a sharp breath and Izzy let out a soft cry. Both Magnus and Simon tried their best to comfort them while I just sat in complete and utter awe. Why didn't I see this coming? I thought to myself. Of course he would do something like this.

After the song was over, I started to get up only to be pulled back down by Simon. I looked at him with a look of complete confusion on my face.

"Don't bother. Jace will be Jace. There's nothing you can do about it. He'll come back eventually."

I sighed, defeated, and settled back down in my seat. I watched as Jace pulled Mia towards the bar and felt a pang of jealously. If only he let me explain what happened. I just did it because I needed to forget about something. Jace wouldn't have been able to help because he was the reason that I wanted to forget. I knew that I would have to tell him eventually, but it was never the right time. I do love Jace and I always will, but, right now, I just need some distractions. That's why I invited Howard over. Of course Jace would be mad when he found out, but I was positive that he would have changed his mind when I explained why I did what I did. Suddenly, I was pulled out of my train of thought by someone pulling my hand. I looked up to see Izzy trying to get me to stand up.

"Come on. We came here to have fun. I am not letting this ruin that. I did not get dressed up just to sit here and wonder about Jace and I am not letting you either. Let's go."

I smiled up at her, feeling a little bit better, and let her pull me towards the dance floor. She stopped us in the middle of the floor and we both started dancing. I could feel eyes on us and, for the first time in awhile, felt happy that I was getting so much attention. Izzy must have noticed because she started laughing. I looked at her and just started laughing as well. I was having fun until two boys came over.

"Hey. My name is Jack and that's my brother, Evan. We couldn't help but notice that you two ladies were dancing alone. Would you care for some partners?"

I looked at Izzy, unsure of what to do. However, I was saved by Simon, Alec, Magnus, Vincent, and Nick coming up and standing just behind us. The two boys looked at them and started to run away. We, of course, followed them and, within a few seconds, had them cornered.

"Do you have any last words before you die?" Izzy asked, her whip unfurling at her side.

"Gray will be coming."

"Strange last words," Izzy said as she brought her whip up and down, slicing the heads off of their bodies. I just stared at the place where their bodies previously stood.

"Who the heck is Gray?" Alec asked as he came up behind Izzy.

"I don't know, but he can't be any good if demons know about him," I replied. Just like what happened with Seba - Jonathan, I thought.

"Yeah. Well, I guess we should head back to the Institute. Does someone want to go get Jace?" Magnus asked.

Before I could speak up, Alec said, "I will. We are parabatai, so I can get through to him."

We all nodded and Alec left. "Alright. Who's ready to find out about the new bad guy?" Magnus asked. We all rolled our eyes and started making our way back to the Institute.
Hey guys. The picture is just something I found that had to do with Church. The cat, not the place.

Keep Calm Church Will Lead The Way


1) What do you think Clary's secret is?

2) Who do you think Gray is?

3) If you read the latest Author's Note, do you have any character ideas for me?

4) Questions for me? Other ideas?

Thank you all for reading. I hope that you love this story.
- blackwolves16

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