Chapter 78

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Magnus's POV

"How is she doing?"

After checking on Mia, I had gone to find Jem to talk about what had happened. I needed another opinion before I told everyone else.

"A lot better than she should be," I replied.

"What do you mean?"

"She shouldn't be able to sit up as easily as she was and she should at least have a scar. I know I'm good, but I've never been that good. Something that Gray did apparently helped her heal faster than normal, but I have no idea what."

"Have you tried talking to her to see if she remembered anything?"

"Not yet. I wanted to give her time to recuperate before asking her too many questions."

"I would suggest starting there. She may remember something that happened that might help."

"Good idea."

"Is there something else bothering you, Magnus?"

Taking a deep breath, I ran my hands through my hair. "It just seems like so much is going on that I don't know how to help with."

"No one expects you to know the answers to everything."

"I know, but I've been able to help with basically everything else that's happened around here. Now Mia comes along and I can't figure out how to help her control her powers or what Gray did to her."

"In all the years that I have known you, you have never been the type of person to give up on anything. If you did not know an answer, you found someone that did. I know you will be able to figure this out. However, you do not need to do it alone. There are many people here who would be more than willing to help you."

"I don't even know where to start looking."

"We already said that asking Mia about what she remembers about her time with Gray may help direct you towards what happened."

"Yeah...I guess I should get everyone together. No time like the present."

"Would you like me to get everyone? It will give you some time to think."

"That would be great. Thank you, Jem."

"Of course."

Opening the door, I heard him say hello to someone before the door closed. I looked up from where I was sitting to see Alec making his way over to stand in front of me.

"Are you okay?" he asked, kneeling down.

"Truthfully, no."

"What's wrong?"

"How much of the conversation did you hear?"

I watched as he lowered his head in embarrassment. "All of it."

I let myself smile a little as I saw him blush. "I figured you did."

Clearing his throat, he looked up at me. "Jem was right. You're not the kind of person that gives up just because he knows it won't be easy. And you have everyone here ready and willing to help you out. Besides, it'll give us all something to do other than waiting around for Gray to do something."

"I know," I replied, holding one of Alec's hands. "But, like I said to Jem, it's weird for me to not know what to do. I've been able to help with Valentine and Jonathan and any other problem you guys have come to me with, but I can't figure out what to do with Mia."

"It's not your job to have all the answers. Sure you're the High Warlock of Brooklyn, but even High Warlocks need help sometimes."

"Yeah, I guess you're right," I sighed, looking at him. "What would I do without you?"

Alec smiled before leaning in to give me a quick kiss. When he started to pull away, I put a hand on his neck and pulled him back in to get another, deeper kiss. Pulling back, I let out a soft chuckle at the blush I caught on Alec's face.

"What's so funny?"

"You. Even after all this time, you still get flushed every time I do that."

"That's because it's always unexpected when you do."

"It shouldn't be, sweetheart. I do it a lot."

He opened his mouth, but closed it when he realized that he didn't have a good comeback. Smiling, I kissed his forehead before mumbling, "I love you."

"I love you, too. Now, I think you have some work to do."

"Right," I replied, standing up and pulling Alec up with me. "So, Jem said he'd get everyone together, but I don't know if that includes Isabelle and Mia."

"Want me to get them?"

"If you want to. I will warn you that, when I left your sister with Mia, she had a lot of makeup."

"Oh boy. Okay, I'll see what I can do. Is there anything else you need?"

"Not right now, but thank you."

"Anytime. I'll go get the girls."

I pulled him in for one last kiss before he smiled at me and made his way out of the room, closing the door behind him. I took a deep breath and stretched before starting to make my way over to the door. Something made me stop before I got too far and I turned just in time to see a shadow out the window. Running over, I opened it as much as I could and looked around. I caught a glimpse of someone running away and, without a second thought, used my magic to stop whoever it was in their tracks.

"Tessa!" I yelled, not daring to tear my gaze away from the person.

A few moments later, I heard the door slam open. "What?"

"Follow the magic trail. I caught someone sneaking around."

"On it."

What seemed like a minute later, I saw Tessa sprinting out of the Institute with Isabelle and Mia on her tail. When they got close enough to the person, I let my magic go and turned to go meet up with them.

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