Chapter 2

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Mia's POV

I didn't know where I was going, but I knew that I had to get away from that room. I flew past what looked like hundreds of rooms until I passed one with an open door. I skidded to a stop and looked around quickly to make sure that no one had followed me. Seeing no one, I ducked into the room and quickly closed the door behind me.

I was looking at the door, trying to find a lock, when I felt someone come up behind me. I turned around fast and came face to face with a boy. I let out a soft gasp and started to look for another way out of the room.

The boy must have noticed what I was doing because he said, "Don't bother. I've got this place magically locked up."

"Magically locked up?" I asked.

"Yeah. That's why there aren't any locks on any of the doors. Well, except on the lab door, but that's a different story. Before I tell you anymore, who are you exactly? And what were you running from?"

Before I had a chance to reply, I heard a faint pair of footsteps coming down the hallway. I started to panic, looking at the door and then back at the boy. The footsteps were getting closer, or maybe it was just my newly sensitive hearing.

"Look," I said to the boy. "If you help me, I promise to tell you anything you want to know and do almost anything you want me to. I just really need a place to hide. Could I just stay here until I figure out where to go so they won't find me?"

The boy was silent for a minute. When he finally said something, I could hear the footsteps clearly, even without my animal-like hearing.

"Ok. You can stay here for as long as you need to. As long as you help me with a few things..."

The footsteps were getting louder and I could tell that they were getting closer to the room that we were in.

"Ok. I'll help you with anything, just give me a place to hide."

"Ok, I'll remember that. Now, where can you hide? Ah... over here."

The boy had walked over to a door and opened it. Inside, it looked just like a regular closet. However, when the boy pushed a button, it all changed and I was looking at another room. The boy ushered me into the room and closed the door. Just as the door clicked shut, the bedroom door opened and the footsteps entered the room.

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