Chapter 42

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Izzy's POV

After I hung up from talking with Kat, I unrolled my whip and went to stand by the portal. You never know when someone you don't want to come through might try.

When the person came through the portal, I coiled my whip back up and walked over to greet him.

"Jem. Long time, no see. How have you been?"

"Miss Isabelle, it has been a while. I have been good and I hope that all has been well here since the last time I visited."

I smiled and pulled him into a hug. "Other than this, it has been pretty uneventful."

"Well, in this field, I guess 'uneventful' is good."

"Yeah. I would have to agree with you there," I replied.

Suddenly, the building started to shake again. We both turned towards the portal as more and more people started to come out. Lastly, Tessa came out and I almost ran over to her to give her a big hug.

"Izzy! It's been too long since our last girl day."

"It definitely has been. Now that you say that, we need to have a girls' day when this is all over. For now, I actually have a surprise for someone here that I'm going to need you help with."

Tessa laughed before saying, "Definitely and do I get to know who this someone is?"

"It's not anyone you know. She just came here, well, yesterday."

"Well, I can't wait to meet her," Tessa replied with a large smile.

"I don't think you'll have to wait very long for that," I replied, looking over at the door just as it opened, revealing Vincent and Mia. Something made me look down and I saw that their hands were intertwined. I looked at Mia and a smile started to spread across my face. I caught her eye and mouthed, "I ship it." She laughed and I saw Vincent look over at her with a confused expression on his face. She leaned over to, most likely, tell him what I had mouthed to her. He shook his head and looked at me. I gave him a thumbs up and he just smiled back. He leaned over and gave Mia a quick kiss on the cheek and leading her down the stairs.

When they reached the bottom, I walked over to them. I could see Mia looking around the room, clearly confused.

"Hey guys. Vincent, I actually need to steal Mia for a few. Hope that's not a problem. Okay, bye." And, with that, I took Mia's hand and pulled her to where Tessa was standing, now with Jem at her side.

"Mia, this is Jem and Tessa. They're really close friends of ours and great allies. Guys, this is Mia; the new one I told you about, Tessa."

"It's nice to meet you," Mia said, extending a hand.

"I know who you are," Tessa replied, taking her hand after Jem. "Mia Edwards. Eighteen years of age. Birthday is March 23rd, 1998. Happy birthday, by the way."

"Thank you," Mia replied, looking at me.

"Tessa is a warlock, like Magnus. Jem was a Shadowhunter turned Silent Brother turned back into Shadowhunter. It's complicated, but all you need to know is that they are good and trustworthy people that are here to help. What I don't know is who all of these other people are and what they are doing here."

"That...will be explained in a few minutes when everyone is here."

I sighed and said, "I'll go get Malec and call Simon. Mia, can you get Clace?"


"Clace is the ship name we gave to Jace and Clary. Malec is Magnus and Alec. Clace are probably in Clary's room. Can you get them, please?"

"Oh," Mia replied. "Yeah, sure."

"Thank you," I said, turning towards Jem and Tessa. "You guys make sure that your friends don't mess up anything and be ready to explain when we get back."

Jem and Tessa nodded their heads and went to talk to some of the others. I started to make my way to Alec's room where I was positive Malec would be.
Oh, Izzy. What would we do without you? (Izzy: You wouldn't exist.) Yeah...

Hey guys. This chapter is short, but I wanted to put some Izzy into it and bring Jem and Tessa further into the story. The next few updates will be the introductions to the new characters based off of you guys. I'm still open to new characters and ideas for the characters' backgrounds. However, this will be the last chapter that its available. Take advantage of it while you still can.


1) What do you think about this chapter?

2) Me bringing Jem and Tessa into the story: good idea or bad idea?

3) Ideas for the rest of story?

4) Last chance for character ideas.

5) Questions for the ask the characters section?

Thank you all so much for reading. I don't know how to express my love and gratitude to all of you that have read this story. Without you guys, this story would not have reached 42 chapters. Thank you all so much.

P.S. If you guys ever want to talk about this story or anything else, I'll leave some of my contact information:
Kik: megan.escott
Cell number: I'll only give this to you if you message me and I really know you.

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