Q&A With the Author

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Never Underestimate a Girl by Vanessa Hudgens
Hey guys. It's finally time for the question and answer section with yours truly. Here's how it's going to work:
Anything in bold is the question.
Anything in italics is my answer.
Anything is regular print in who asked the question.

I'm really excited for this and I hope that I do a good job of answering all of your questions. Here we go.

1) Favorite character?
(TessaWayland and MultiFandomGirl46ulm)
For girl, Mia. For guy, Vincent. In TMI: girl-Izzy, guy-Alec.

2) Do you like penguins? (TessaWayland)
Of course.

3) Have you read Alice in Zombieland, Shatter Me Trilogy (aka Touching Juliet Trilogy), TMR, TFIOF, THG, PJO, HoO? (MultiFandomGirl46ulm)
I've read the last five that you mentioned.

4)What's your inspiration? (TessaWayland)
I think my inspiration comes from the many books and movies that I've watched. Also, I try to take some inspiration from my own life, so some of the characters might reflect people that I know in real life. For example, Mia is based off of myself.

5) Do you hate any characters? (TessaWayland)
Right now, I'm trying to make myself hate Gray. Because, you know, big evil and everything.

6) Do you have any twists/ plans that are going to make me hide under my bed and cry? (TessaWayland)
I hope that I do. I'm not giving anything away, but, as of now, I don't have anything planned...yet.

7) Was Jia ever a real possibility? Is it even a possibility now? (MultiFandomGirl46ulm)
Yes, it was a real possibility. And yes it is a possibility if enough people want it.

8) Are you still shipping Via? (MultiFandomGirl46ulm)
Yes. I created Vincent to be my idea of a perfect guy and I created Mia to represent myself, so I do still ship them.

9) How old is Vincent? How long has he been a werewolf? How did he know Will? (fanvergent_narwhal14)
Vincent is currently 18 years old (one year older than Mia). He has been a werewolf since birth. We are going to say that Will died when Vincent was 15. I know that's not really true, but its a fiction story, so that's what we are going with.

10) How long have you been writing for?
I started writing Wolf Girl about five-ish years ago, but I've been interested in writing for as long as I can remember. I started to go back to writing this year (junior year in high school) due to my American Literature teacher making us write journals. So you guys have him to thank for me getting back into writing Wolf Girl.

11) Why did you sink Jia? (MultiFandomGirl46ulm)
It hasn't sunk completely. I have plans forming in my evil little writer's mind.

12) Who do you ship most? (MultiFandomGirl46ulm)
In my story, Via. In TMI, Malec.

13) Have you ever had a hard time fangirling, not because you were in public, but because your fangirling wouldn't be enough or like you couldn't handle it? (MultiFandomGirl46ulm)
Yes, multiple times. Sometimes there isn't enough fangirling to express what I'm feeling.

14) Instructions on how to fangirl.
I think it differs for everyone. Personally:
-possibly scream a little
-maybe crying
-clapping like a retarded seal
-laughing so hard no noise comes out and you sit there clapping like a retarded seal
-smiling like an idiot

15) Have you ever fangirled out in public?
Not that I know of. I have had to stop myself from laughing or crying in public because of something I read, though.

16) Who will you kill off? (TessaWayland)
If I told you that, it would give away the ending.

17) Are you a virgin? (MultiFandomGirl46ulm)
I know you said that it was a personal question and felt weird asking, but I don't mind answering. Yes I am. In fact, I've never even had a boyfriend before.

And, that's it. I hope that I answered all of your questions. If not, feel free to comment and I'll try to answer them better. Thank you to all who left questions. I'll try to do this again sometime.

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