Chapter 31

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Jace's POV

After Izzy, Mia, and Clary left, the rest of us started to get up to leave and go to our rooms.

"Jace and Vincent. I actually need to talk to you," I heard Magnus say. I looked over at Alec and nodded at him. He started to walk towards the door, but stopped to look back at Magnus. I looked over at him and saw him blow a kiss at Alec. I knew my parabatai so well that I knew that he was blushing a deep crimson right now. I smiled when I heard him run up the stairs and shut the door. I turned towards Magnus and saw that Vincent was just about as confused as me.

"We have a situation on our hands," Magnus said.

"What kind of 'situation'?" I asked.

"Mia is a werewolf."

At this, I heard Vincent snort a laugh and I couldn't help but smile as well. "I thought that was obvious," I replied.

"You didn't let me finish, but what else is new. Yes, Mia is a werewolf, but she is also a Shadowhunter."

My eyes widened as I just stared at Magnus, unable to say anything.

"Wh...what?!" Vincent practically yelled.

"I know. I didn't believe it at first either. However, I did my research and it's the truth. Now, I know that you two are the best warriors in your groups, so I have to ask you to do something."

"Anything," I replied. After all that Magnus had done for us, it was the least I could do for him. He had helped us so much that I had learned to put aside my self-confidence and do anything I could for him.

"You might not like it, but I need you two to work together to protect her. She is very valuable and I know that this Gray person would stop at nothing to have her on his side. Can you do that?"

"Of course," I said without a moment's hesitation. I looked over and saw Vincent nod his head. I looked back at Magnus and I saw him breath a little sigh of relief.

"Also, both of you are going to have to help train her. Vincent, you need to help her learn how to control her werewolf side. Jace, you need to teach her how to fight and how to stay alive in battle. I don't know why I am overprotective of her, but I know that there's something special about her. Please, just do your best to protect her."

I could tell that Magnus really meant what he said. I would never say this out loud, but I felt the same. I felt this strange pull towards her. I knew that I would do anything for her and help her in any way possible. I nodded my head and started to head out of the library. I headed towards my room, so that I could process all of this. When I got to my room, I knew something was wrong because my door was open just a crack. I always shut my door before leaving and I hadn't been to my room since before we went demon hunting. I took out my knife and slowly opened the door the rest of the way. My mouth dropped when I saw who was standing in the middle of my room.

"Hello Jace."
*evil laugh* Hehe...cliff hanger. I'm evil.

Hey guys. Sorry that this chapter is a little shorter than the others. I just really wanted to get something out before school completely takes over my life again.

First off: 1.51K reads, 129 votes, 321 comments. AAAHHH!!!! I have no idea what to say right now. I love you all so much and I can't thank you all enough.


1) Who do you think is in Jace's room?

2) Any new character ideas?

3) Why do you think Mia is so special to Magnus?

4) Any other ideas or questions for me?

Thank you all so much for everything. I love you all so much!
- blackwolves16

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