Tagged and A/N Combined

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Hey guys. So, first up, I got tagged by Redvelvetrose1742. I have to write my favorite actors/actresses. I'll just do my top three in each because I can't narrow it down to just three of both combined. So, here we go:

1) Taylor Lautner
2) Kevin Zegers
3) Theo James

1) Jennifer Lawrence
2) the girl that plays Black Widow (I'm too lazy to look up her name)
3) the girl that plays Tris (I know her name, I just don't know how to spell it)

So, I now tag:
And anyone else that wants to comment with their favorite actors/actresses.

Now, the author's note portion. I am probably not going to be writing for a while. I'll try to get as much as I can published, but I have school to worry about. I am going to be doing a formal lab in honors chemistry and that comes with a formal lab report. Which means about every minute I have will be dedicated to writing that. It's a real pain in the ass, but what can you do.

So, you probably won't hear from me for a while. Next week might be different, but, for now, I'll try to write as much as I can.

Also, my junior prom is coming up this Friday. I'm really excited and I can't wait. I already have my dress and one of my friends from my church choir is making corsages for myself and one of my friends. I know you're probably asking yourself, who is this friend and is it a boy? It is not a boy. I'm going with one of my girlfriends because apparently boys don't like smart girls who mainly are about school and grades and not hooking up every night. Sorry, got a little carried away there.

Anyway, if you would like to see some pictures from prom, comment here and I'll make sure to post them when I have time. For now, I must leave you. Thank you for all of your support and understanding. Love you all so much.

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