Chapter 73

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Alec's POV

After talking to Vincent, I made my way back to the library to talk to Magnus. I know that he had been stressed about this whole Mia and Vincent thing, but I didn't know how bad it had gotten. I wanted to make sure he was okay, but I didn't exactly know how to do it. When I walked in, I just stood at the top of the stairs, watching what Magnus was doing. He was standing in front of the table that was now covered in bottles of liquids and papers. I slowly started to make my way down the stairs and over to where he was standing.

"I don't know what to do," he said, looking at me.

"Magnus, you know you can talk to me about anything, right?"

"I know, Alec. I just don't want to burden you with my troubles."

I laughed and placed my hand on top of his. "What is all of this?"

"I'm working on a way to stop Mia's transformation. I've done some research before, but now I have an actual person to try to help."

I looked at some of the papers that were on the table closest to me. "What's this?" I asked, picking a page up.

"Just something Izzy gave me to look at."

I smiled when he said that and looked back at the paper. It was a list of places for sale and Izzy had written, "Just for you to look at," at the top.

"I guess she wants us to get our own place," I said, looking at Magnus.

"Well, I wouldn't mind it either."

I smiled and put the paper down. "Anything I can help with?"

"The house search or the magical part?"

I laughed and said, "Either one."

Magnus smiled at me and started handing me different papers. He would explain what was on each and I gave my opinion when I could. We worked together for hours and, eventually, worked our way through all of the papers.

"Well, that's all of it," I said, standing up and stretching.

"Yeah, seems like it..."

I turned towards Magnus as he trailed off and noticed the look of disappointment on his face. "What's wrong?"

"We've been through all of the research I have and I still have nothing."


"Alec! Magnus! We have to go!"

Both of us looked towards the doors and saw Jem trying to catch his breath.

"What happened?" Magnus asked, standing up and making his way over to the stairs as I followed close behind.

"We know where Mia is, but there is a slight problem."

"Which is..."

"Others have also seemed to find out where she is. We need to go now if we want to have any chance of saving her. Did you find anything that would help control her powers?"

"We're still working on it," I replied, saving Magnus from having to come up with a response. He looked over, smiling slightly. I returned the smile before looking back at Jem. It didn't look like he fully believed me, but he didn't pursue it any further.

We all ran out the door and through the halls to meet up with everyone else. Jace gave me my weapons and Izzy gave Magnus a knife before looking at me and winking. Even when we're about to leave on a hunt, she still manages to embarrass me, I thought to myself as we made our way over to where everyone else was already standing.

"Alright, Jem. Where are we going?"

"Gray has Mia in a building downtown. Magnus and Clary, can you make us a portal? We will not get there in enough time otherwise."

Both of them nodded and Magnus gave my hand a quick squeeze before walking over to stand with Clary. I had no idea what was going to meet us on the other side of the portal they were making, but Jem seemed more anxious than normal, which couldn't mean anything good.

"I know a little of what you should expect when we exit this portal, but I do not know all of it," Jem started as Magnus and Clary finished. "Gray has spells on this building that shield people, even myself, from seeing everything that is going on. We will meet with vampires, that much I can tell you, but I cannot tell you more than that. Our mission is to find Mia and get her back here so Magnus can find a way to control her powers. When we get there, Vincent is going to be the one going to find Mia because he is one of the only ones she trusts and he has the strongest connection with her."

"You're not going alone," Jace said as he stepped forward and put his hand on Vincent's shoulder.

"Fine, but just remember the mission: find Mia and get out."

We all nodded our heads and I prepared myself for anything that could be waiting for us on the other side of that portal.

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