Chapter 75

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Mia's POV

It didn't take long for the door to open again. I looked up and flashed a smile at Jem, Will, and Tessa.

"How're you doing, sweetie?" Tessa asked as she made her way over to sit on the edge of my bed.

"Pretty good, considering..." I trailed off, motioning to my stomach.

"Do you remember anything that happened when you were under Gray's influence?" Jem asked, moving to stand at the end of the bed.

"Jem, chill. Mia just got hurt. Give her some time to recover."

I looked over at Will who had come to stand beside Tessa. Smiling and giving his hand a quick squeeze, I said, "Thank you, Will. But I think I'm good to answer a few questions."

"None of us doubt that you are," Tessa said. "But I think it would be better to answer them with everyone around...mainly so you don't have to answer the same questions a bunch of times."

I laughed softly, earning smiles from the three of them.

"Well," Will started, placing his hand on Tessa's shoulder. "I think we should get going so the rest of the group can say hi."

"Yeah, okay. Hope you feel better soon," Tessa said as she stood up to give me a hug.

"We're always here if you need us," Will added, bending down to hug me as well.

"We will do our best to make sure this does not happen again," Jem said, sending me a small smile.

"Thank you guys. Come back and say hi whenever. I'm not really going to be able to do much, so having people to talk to will be great."

"We will," Tessa replied, Will and Jem nodding in agreement.

I smiled and waved as they made their way out of the room. I was only given what seemed like seconds of alone time before the door opened again. The new girls (Victoria, Scarlight, Shannah, Vanessa, and Robyn) came in and gave me hugs before sitting down to talk for awhile. When they left, Izzy practically ran into the room and over to me.

"Mia! We were all super worried about you. Are you okay? I swear I'm gonna kill Gray for what he did."

"I'm pretty sure Vincent's already planning to do that."

"Then he's just going to have to make me a part of the plan."

I laughed and watched her smile before she leaned down to hug me. "We all were really worried about you."

"I know, but I'll be good. Magnus is amazing."

"Don't let him hear you say that," another voice said. "His ego doesn't need to be larger than it already is."

Izzy pulled back and moved so I could see Clary standing in the doorway. She smiled at me before walking over to stand beside Izzy.

"I'm pretty sure he already knows he's amazing though," I replied, hugging her as best I could.

"Very true. You look better than before."

"I feel better, too."

"I can make you look even better if you want," Izzy said, already starting to turn towards the door.

"Iz, she needs to rest, not worry about makeup."

I tried to stifle a laugh when I saw the look of disappointment on her face at those words. "Don't worry. When I'm allowed to get up and move, I'll let you do whatever you want."

"Whatever I want?"

I was silent for a moment. "I take that back. I'll let you do almost whatever you want."

Her face lit up and I couldn't help smiling back. "I'll take it."

We all laughed before a more serious air descended over us. "How are you really doing?" Clary asked, looking seriously down at me.

"My back hurts a little, but I'm pretty sure I look worse than I feel."

"Any desires to run off?"

I shook my head. "Whatever Magnus did, did actually work."

"I'm really glad to hear that," she replied, letting a small smile creep onto her face.

"I'm glad I can actually say that."

After a few more minutes of chatting, Izzy stretched and looked at Clary. "I think we should probably head out. The boys wanted to check in on you, too, and you should get some rest."

"Yeah, we should go. We'll definitely come by some time soon, though."

"Okay, sounds good. Don't have too much fun without me."

"No promises," Izzy replied, smiling and giving me a hug.

"Hope you get better soon," Clary said as she gave me a hug as well and flashed me a smile.

I waved goodbye as they left the room and closed the door. Not even a second later, the door was opened again to reveal Jace, Alec, and Simon.

"Damn guys. Were you waiting outside for Iz and Clary to leave?"

"Maybe," Simon replied. "We just wanted to make sure you were okay."

"And you girls talked for a long time."

I laughed as Simon turned to glare at Alec. "Did you really have to say that?"

"What? It's the truth."

"We did come to see how you were doing, though," Jace said, finally speaking up and starting to walk over to me.

"Thank you, I appreciate it," I replied, smiling as all of them made it to my bed and gave me big hugs.

"So," Simon started, stretching out next to me on the bed, "how're you doing?"

"Better. Still feel like someone stabbed me, but at least I can semi-function."

"Don't want to going running away?"


"Good. We wouldn't let you even if you wanted to."

"I don't think you guys could stop me if I wanted to leave."

"Oh really?" Alec crossed his arms as he looked at me.

"I mean, from what I remember, I'm supposed to be more powerful than other werewolves. I don't see why Shadowhunters would be any different."

I saw a smirk appear on Jace's face as Alec's eyes narrowed. "We'll have to prove that wrong when you can fight," Alec retorted, straightening up.

Laughing, I rolled my eyes. "And don't think you two aren't included in that. When I can fight, I'll fight you guys, too."

Jace raised his eyebrows, but remained silent. Simon, on the other hand, began a rant about how he could win in a fight against anyone. Alec would occasionally fire back, which would get Simon even more fired up. As entertaining as that all was, I couldn't help but notice how quiet Jace was being. He would look at me from time to time, but would always look away as soon as I caught his eye.

After Simon and Alec ran out of arguments, Simon got up and stretched. "I guess we should probably get going. Mia needs to rest up for the challenges she just made."

"You guys are the ones that need the rest."

Simon rolled his eyes, but smiled as he gave me a hug. "You should rest though."

"I will," I replied, returning the smile.

"I really do hope you get better soon," Alec said, bending down to give me a quick hug.

"Thanks Alec."

The boys starting to walk towards the door, but Jace hesitated by the end of the bed.

"You coming?" Alec asked, turning when he reached the door.

"I wanted to talk to Mia, alone, for a little bit. If that's okay with you," he added, looking at me.

When I nodded my head, Alec and Simon walked out the door and closed it, leaving Jace and I alone in the room.

Wolf GirlOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora