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First of all, this picture above is who I am thinking about basing the character of Mia on. I hope that you like her.

Secondly, this is not an update. I just wanted to say, like the many authors before me, that I know that I stink because I have not updated in so long. I'm so sorry about that, but school has kept me really busy and we just took finals so we were spending a lot of time preparing for them. Also, second semester starts on Tuesday, so I probably won't be updating as much as I would like to. However, I had an idea and I just thought that while I have nothing much to do, I would start writing.

So, I did and many more ideas started popping into my head. That is why this next chapter (and maybe the few after that, I don't know yet) is longer than the others have been.

I hope that you like it and thanks to all of the people who have read this. I know that 100 reads isn't really much, but I never even planned on publishing any of my stories. I was just writing for fun and I had no idea that people would actually read the stories and like them. I love all of you. Keep the comments and ideas coming because I'll definitely need them.

I want to send out two special shout-outs to booksareawesome2014 and PurpleSparkleWolf. They are amazing and have really good ideas. You should definitely follow them (if you want to, of course).

Thank you all again and I hope that you like the next chapter and all that come after them and that came before them. Comment, vote, and/or message me. Bye :)

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