♫09♫ We'll take Doubles 1!

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"I'm looking forward to this match." Ranfa took out a box of milk chocolate pocky and started to eat some, "Want some?" She offered Mukahi and Oshitari. She was sat between them, not minding if they were sweaty from their last game.

"You're excited whenever the next game of tennis comes, huh?" Oshitari took a stick from her. 

"That, and something else too." 

"Something else?" Mukahi asked while eating the pocky stick she offered. 

"Don't you guys think Shishido-senpai is so manly?"

"Eh?! Shishido?!" Mukahi couldn't believe she said that; he can't see the greatness in Shishido that she can see. 

"Sakura, you like manly men? I would have thought you liked the romantic type." Oshitari was a little disappointed in knowing her preferred type; Shishido actually matched in what she liked in men?

"Meh, I like manly men." 

"Ugh..." Mukahi can feel himself automatically kicked out of the competition for her attention.

"Hold on, I'll return after talking to them." Ranfa excused herself and went to tell Shishido and Choutarou some advice, leaving the disappointed pair behind. 

"Yuushi, is it okay to look like a girl but is manly at the same time?" 

"You do realize that your existence contradicts everything?" Oshitari literally destroyed his doubles partner with words.

"Be prepared for the unexpected between those two. Always support one another's back and do what you normally do." Ranfa said to them, "With Ootori's serve, we have the upperhand." 

"I-I guess..." Choutarou answered with a little bit of nervousness. 

"You haven't overcome your bad habit, huh?" Ranfa can tell because of Choutarou's body language and puppy-like guilty look.

"I am sorry..." 

"Idiot, why are you looking like you have disappointed me?" She poked his chest, where his heart was, "You've made the efforts to try and change that, didn't you? It's better to try and fail than not doing a thing and fail, Ootori. Have some confidence in yourself!" 

"Yes!" With newfound confidence, Choutarou was ready to play the match without a worry. 

"Shishido-senpai, good luck." She looked at Shishido with a smile on her face. If you look at her carefully, you can see a light blush on her face.

"Yeah." Everyone can see it but Shishido since he doesn't really pay attention to such a thing. 

"Yuushi, she is looking at Shishido like he's the finest thing on earth..." Mukahi muttered. 

"Such a shame Shishido doesn't seem to have a clue..."

"Hey, glasses-senpai over there." Ranfa called out to Inui, "Sorry to say this but this match, we have our eyes on it. We'll be taking Doubles 1 from you." She openly declared war for Shishido and Choutarou. 

Inui looked unaffected and Kaidou looked like he was offended by that. Ranfa finished giving them her advice and went back to the bleachers. 

"You just declared war, that is bold of you." Atobe smiled as she returned, "What do you think this time?" 

"We will take Doubles 1." 

"You're confident?" 

"Of course. Shishido-senpai is out there." 

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