♫51♫ Destined together but separated by fate

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"I don't understand Zaizen-kun! Why isn't he holding her hand?!" Koharu was comically biting his white frilly hankerchief, "He's so dense and too my pace!" 

"Koharu, why aren't you holding my hand?" 

"I'm not interested anymore, Yuu-kun!" Koharu snapped at him, shooing him away for god knows how many times now.

"Don't say that Koharu!" Yuuji was not doing well in wowing Koharu today at all. 

"Shh! We don't want to get caught!" Kenya whispered harshly, remember what we came for!" 

Shitenhouji members were spying on their 2nd year, Zaizen and his little day out with Ranfa from Hyotei. The Shitenhouji members decided to spy in order to get front row seat of the romance between them. Koharu and Yuuji were already shipping them together and even given a shipping name for them. 

"The ZaiFa pairing are so cute!!!" Koharu was fanboying over them, wiggling his butt whenever he saw Ranfa smiling at Zaizen's words. 

"Zaizen-han, may the god of fortunes give you blessings."Gin said with closed eyes. 

"Shiraishi, I thought that's your girlfriend?" Kintarou poked at Shiraishi, "Why is Zaizen with your girlfriend?" 

"That is not my girlfriend, Kin-chan. She is very cute though..."

"What is this?!" Chitose directed the team's eyes to him. 

"Chitose?!" Kenya was so scared of getting caught! Zaizen doesn't know they were here to trail them! 

"My Saiki Kanpatsu no Kiwami can't see when Zaizen will kiss her!" 


"That Zaizen, how dare that brat take Ranfa out as he pleases!" Gakuto was glaring daggers at the couple, "And why is Ranfa wearing such a cute skirt?!"

"Gakuto, don't be so loud." Oshitari warned, "She doesn't know we are here." 

"Shishido-san, does Sakura-san have feelings for Zaizen?" Choutarou asked him. 

'I hope not... I haven't cleared things up with her yet.' Shishido thought to himself. 

"Ranfa-chan... Should we rescue her?!" Jirou doesn't want to see the date anymore, he can't even go back to sleep ever since Gakuto sent an email to him about it. 

"Sakura is better than that..." Hiyoshi muttered, "I'll Gekokujou that guy if he touches her in any indecent way." 

"How noble of you, Hiyoshi. I wonder why Atobe himself isn't here, can it be he has given up on his pursuit for Sakura?" 

All members of Hyotei but Atobe and Kabaji were spying on Zaizen and Ranfa. They were spying as to what Zaizen planned to do with Ranfa and be ready to jump in if he were to do anything indecent to her. 

How did it become this way?

Gakuto was on his way to Ranfa's place, wondering if she would like to come out and play tennis with him at the street tennis courts. 

When he got there, there was already another person at the front door. Gakuto jumped back behind the wall in time to stay hidden while he peeked his head out to spy on what Zaizen was doing. 

"Hikaru?" Ranfa opened the door, "What's wrong?" 

"Are you free today?" 


♫Wonderful Days♫Prince of tennis♫Hyotei♫Where stories live. Discover now