♫48♫ Ranfa's hidden past

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Zaizen was expected to lead Shitenhouji after Shiraishi's graduation, of course he needed to be good enough to put up a good fight to entertain Ranfa.
'He is good, he is quick to analyze the situation and come up with a tactic to counter my shots.' Ranfa was glad this little match was able to distract her from Atobe's rather melancholy confession from last night.
"Ranfa, seems like you have gotten better..." Zaizen called her by her first name.
"H-huh?" Was it his way of distracting her? No, he was genuinely serious. Why was Zaizen calling her by her first name?

Atobe and the others arrived and they can see a match between Zaizen and Ranfa has started.

"Eh~? Her hair is down already!" Jirou pointed out, fully awake.
"Why is Ranfa having a match with that guy?" Gakuto asked Atobe, "Is this planned?"
"I never heard Ranfa mentioning such a thing." Atobe was just as confused as everyone else.

Ranfa ignored Zaizen's words abd focused on the match. With Insight, she's able to hit the ball at places he can't catch up to.
"I see, before you land a shot, you will look in the direction of where you hit. I don't care if you are using a technique as long as I prepare where your shots will hit, I will be there." Zaizen relied on looking into Ranfa's eyes to see where she will land her shots
Ranfa's shots cannot get past Zaizen because he kept looking into her eyes where she will land. The moment her racquet touches the ball, Zaizen will look into her eyes to determine the ball's path.
'What a troublesome guy...' Ranfa thought to herself. She looked at Zaizen to see he was still looking into her eyes.
"Ranfa, you really don't remember?"
"I don't know what you are talking about." Ranfa was blunt and Zaizen did not like that at all.
"You really don't remember? Poor thing... I was your 'one', remember?"
"One...?" What was he talking about?
"Elementary school... Do you really not remember a thing about it?" Zaizen planned it all; he never had intentions of doing anything bad with the picture he took of the kiss. He just wanted an opportunity for Ranfa to speak to him and to have a match with him. He wanted her to remember what she has forgotten.
"Elementary school?" Now that Ranfa think about it, she can remember nothing about it. Why was that? Why doesn't she have clear memories of her elementary school days?
"Ranfa!" Zaizen's not usually one to shout but he really wanted her to remember.
"Ah-!?" She missed the shot because a very sharp pain shot at her in the head. 

"Hikaru, just wait! I will get it!" Elementary schooler, Ranfa, age 11, shouted from the tree.

"It's dangerous, Ranfa..."
"It's fine, it's fine!"
There was a tree in Osaka where there was a silver ring wedged inside of it from the top.
Zaizen said he wanted the ring and Ranfa told him she can get it for him since she can climb trees like a pro.


"Ah!" Ranfa managed to pull the ring out of the tree but in return, the branch she stood on gave up on her.

It all happened too fast. 11 year old Zaizen watched Ranfa tumble down from branches to branches before she landed on her back.
"Hold on, I'll carry you-" He felt something sticky from the back of her head. "Aah..." He took his hand back to see the dark crimson color of blood. He's not afraid of the blood from horror movie he sneaked a peek at but the real thing was making his blood run cold.
"Hikaru... Look..." She shakingly opened her hand, "Hehe~! I got it~!" Ranfa smiled despite the pain she was feeling.

The last thing she remember seeing was Zaizen calling for an ambulance from his cell phone and his hand that held tightly to her own...

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