Chapter 13

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Taehyung and Seokjin went inside the lobby where already some people gathered around, looking all fancy and rich.

"Okay so where do we go first?", Jin asked Tae.
"Uhm I don't know I have to talk to some clients, how about u come with me and we talk together and then we can go somewhere together."
"Yeah okay."

"Oh Kim Taehyung, I didn't know you would be here this night. Usually ur father comes to these gatherings."

Taehyung just laughed.
"Well I am starting to step into my father's footsteps so that's why I'm here trying to be a good future business man."

"I noticed you brought a friend.", the woman said. Taking a quick glance at Seokjin.

Jin internally scoffed. But put on a fake smile.
"Husband, I'm his husband Seokjin. Kim Seokjin."

"Oh you are the infamous Seokjin. I've heard a lot about you, I heard ur father owns a company too, Seokjinshi."

"Yeah, I'll be taking his position later this year. I didn't get your name though who are you?"

Her eyes widened. "HAHA nice joke Seokjin."

"It's Mr. Kim.", Jin said eyeing her with a smirk.
"Right, Mr. Kim. Well, I'm a worldwide model, almost everybody knows me. Surprisingly u don't. My name is Chung-Hee."

"Oh well, considering u are an international model, I've never heard of you.", Seokjin chuckled.
"Anyways it was nice talking to you, Chung-Hee. Taehyung baby, I'll be heading that way alright?"
Taehyung nodded and Jin kissed his cheek and winked at Chung-Hee who was internally screaming, her anger was showing, which made Jin smile at her and he left.

"Taehyung if you ever get bored, you know where to reach out to me.", she said and winked at him and left too, swinging her hips disgustingly.

Taehyung unbothered went to look for Seokjin when he saw him talking to non one other than the pervert himself, Mr. Choi.
"What the f-", Tae said when he saw Seokjin laughing at Mr. Choi's words, who was also eyeing his Jin from bottom to top, licking his lips.

He was almost touching Jin's hair when Taehyung gabbed his hand and stopped him.

"Mr. Choi I didn't know you had a thing for touching other people's husbands. If I were you I would keep those hands close to myself. I don't need to remind who I am, right Mr. Choi?", Taehyung said angered but tried to play it off with a straight face.

Who does Mr. Choi think he is, throwing himself all over Seokjin. Who knows, he may have already thought a perverted scenario in his head while eyeing Jin.

"Kim Taehyung, always the possessed psycho. I didn't know ur husband would be this handsome in real life. Don't get me wrong he was already mind blowing through the screen but up close he really awakens my desire to-.", Mr. Choi suddenly stopped talking when Jin moved closer to him, whispering something in his ear.
He could feel jins breath on his skin and it made his lower regions go crazy.

"Mr. Choi, careful there, I might look handsome and innocent but I could ruin you. You don't want that, do you?", Jin said pulling away, flashing him a smile.

"N-no I wouldn't."

Jin started laughing.
"How embarrassing and here I was actually planning to work with you Mr. Choi in the future. Looks like you aren't good enough for the huge partnership with my company.
You were planning for a partnership with my husband well in the end you'd need to work with me too, may I remind I'm Kim Seokjin, soon to be CEO of the Second most powerful company in South Korea, so please take care and don't do something stupid. Silly.", Jin said bopping his nose with a finger.

Taehyung eyed him furiously and Jin laughed, cubbing his face with one hand.
"Awww is my husband jelly. Don't worry I got taste in men.", Jin winked. And poked Tae's cheek.

Tae didn't say anything and only grabbed Jin's waist and walked away with him, holding him close.
"Just wait Seokjin just wait."

The rest of the night wasn't interesting, Seokjin and Taehyung were talking with different people about partnerships and business for hours.

It was getting boring and Taehyung actually hated such gatherings so he pulled Seokjin out of the mansion and decided to head home.

In the car:
"I'm so tired Tae, I swear people are so bad liars especially those people I had a conversation with. They are boiling of jealousy and only want money ugh, when we get home I'll sleep for 100 years."

Taehyung laughed." Come on lean ur head on my shoulder it will take some time till we head to the house. U can sleep till then."

Jin quickly gave in and leaned his head on Tae's shoulder and slept in.

Tae motioned to the driver that he should pull the black glass up so the driver wouldn't see what ever was going on in the back.

Taehyung then tried to move jin's head from his shoulder to his lap and made him lay down, so he would be more comfortable while sleeping. He also put a jacket on top of Jin so he wouldn't freeze while sleeping and after a while of watching Jin cutely pouting in his sleep, his eyes closed too and he drifted off to dream land.

After 40 minutes they arrived at home and Jin was still in deep sleep so Taehyung didn't want to bother him and decided to carry him to their shared room where he undressed Jin. It wasn't weird at all anymore, they were already intimate even though they were drunk those times.

He quickly dressed Jin and changed his own clothes to pj's and made himself comfortable next to Jin under the blankets.
He backhugged Jin to sleep and not long after they both were knocked out into deep sleep.

Meanwhile Irene at home:
"Why is Someone suddenly calling me from my work phone at 2 am?!"
She asked herself, but still picked the call.

"Yes hello, Kim Taehyung's secretary, how can I help you.?

*heavy breathing came from the other line.
"Choi, my name is Mr. Choi. I wanted to have another talk with Mr. Kim Taehyung. We had a view problems with his sexy husband. Oh those juicy thick lips, who does this little brat think he is. A pretty face and his body proportions, damn."
"Mr. Choi are you okay?"

"I want him.",
Soon after Irene noticed that that Mr. Choi was drunk for some reason.
"Whom do you want Mr. Choi?"
"Seokjin. I need him."
"Oh really?", Irene smirked.
"Well how about we meet up one day, I have some exciting news to tell you Mr. Choi."
"It will be a pleasure. U can contact me anytime on this number, Miss, what was ur name?"
"Irene. And I will contact you in the shortest time. I'll hang up now. Wait for my call."

this story is boring I'm sorry

Arranged marriage -Taejin- Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang