Chapter 26

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3rd. Person POV:

Seokjin enters the house and goes straight up to his shared room with Taehyung.

Meanwhile Taehyung who was in the living room saw Seokjin and wanted to greet him until he noticed that Jin didn't even acknowledge him.

„Weird..", Tae frowned.

He didn't think much of it and followed Seokjin to his room.

As Tae reached upstairs he noticed his dressing room door open.

He only peeked for a second and saw Seokjin packing some clothes.

He enters, quietly and backhugs Seokjin.

Startling Jin.
„WHAT THE- oh my god it's you.", Seokjin said with a boring face after noticing who just hugged him out of the blue.

„What? Not happy to see me?", Taehyung looked at Jin, as he pulled away, a frown starting to show up.

„Of course I am, dude.", Seokjin said with his insides cringing after he said the „dude".

Taehyung slightly made a „what the fuck" face but shrugged it off by asking
„How was work?"

„Good.", Seokjin answered.

„Are you hungry, I can order some-„, Taehyung started without finishing.

„No need, I'm not hungry. I also need to go somewhere, sooo, yeah, but you go ahead and order some food for yourself if you are hungry.",Seokjin said, looking away to check if he packed everything needed.

Seokjin then continued „okay then, im going to go now."

Taehyung just stared at him, with a unreadable face.
Was he daydreaming?

Seokjin then was about to leave the room but got stopped by Taehyung , who pulled him pack and pushed him on the bed to sit.

„Where are you going?! Seokjin, seriously what are you doing?"

„I'm going out, what the heck?", Seokjin spat back.

„I can see that! But why are you going out in the evening."

„Taehyung it's goddamn 8pm, what's with you?!"

„There is nothing with me, I'm just asking. You never go out this late."

„Taehyung, you Never Act like this, is something bothering you?" Seokjin  asked a bit annoyed. .

„why are you packing your things?!", Taehyung said not trying to drift off the topic.
„Are you trying to leave me?!?", Taehyung said with an upset voice.

Seokjin broke out in laughter.
„Oh now I get it... oh taehyungie, I'm just packing a few clothes for the spa.
I thought that I needed a bit of time catching up with jimin and taking a bit of self care, you know?", Seokjin said patting taehyung's shoulder. He noticed how upset Tae got.

Taehyung made an „oh" face.
„Oh, im sorry jin, I dont know why I got upset, it's just, work has been stressful, I must have let it all out on you....", he paused a bit and then continued. „Of course you can go out and have a bit of a Self care Night with your best friend."

Seokjin nodded „yeah, well no worries, I understand.
Im going to head out now. I'll be back in a few hours okay?"

„Sure, yeah, have fun.", Taehyung said with a smile and watched Seokjin leave the room.

After Seokjin left, Taehyung sat down in the living room and made a big sighs.

„Ugh, I'm such an idiot."

Then he looked around to find someone.

„Tannie, Tannie,", Taehyung shouted.

He saw the small dog running to him with his small legs and wiggling tail.

„Let's watch a movie and order some food, shall we?", Taehyung smiled and patted his dog's face.


"What's good, bro?", Jimin said making a deeper voice.

Jin laughed "I'm good I'm good, I'll be better if you tell me everything that happened today."

Jimin nodded " okay let's head inside then."

They both head into a luxurious dresser.

They wore bathrobes and headed to the spa area.

Four spa assistants were showing them their places to lay and get a massage, pedicure, facial.

They both laid down and got their massages and just relaxed.

Seokjin and Jimin have been working really hard, so they deserved this kind of treatment.

"Jimin stop moaning the fuck."

"Damn, let me enjoy my goddamn massage. I cant hold it back."

"Ugh, I don't want to listen to ur moaning though, sounds really bad, I wonder what Jungkook thinks.", Jin teased."

Suddenly a piece of cucumber came flying across the room towards Seokjin's face.

"You nasty ho"

Around twenty minutes later the pedicure and massage were finished, only the face masks had to sit a bit more.

The assistants left the room, to let the two be alone.

"Okay now spill the tea."

"U won't believe what I found out."

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