Chapter 24

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*beep beep beep beep beep*
Oh my god shut the fuck up, why isn't this ugly alarm shutting up?!

I reach my hand to my phone and turn off the alarm.
Im not used to wake up this early, hence from today on I have to work at the perverts company.

Why is Seokjin doing this to me?!
Like I would have tolerated it a bit more if I had more time to sleep but noooo, this bitch wants me up in that musty hole of Mister Choi's company at nine.

Seokjin, my beloved handsome rat friend, told me to wake up at 7, for fucking what?!?
Oh right, to get pretty and go to the company a bit earlier to get familiar with the place.

To hell with you Seokjin seriously.

I groan and was about to close my eyes to go back to sleep, just one more hour, but I couldn't because of the loud ringing of my phone.

I felt moving behind my back.
„Jimin, pick up the phone, it's so loud...", Jungkook said with a groan.

Oh yeah, jungkook slept over.  We aren't a thing, we just love spending time together like friends. Just friends, yeah.. just friends. FOR NOW.

My mind drifted off to our night, hours ago. I smirked and then shook my head,Nevermind we Are more than That.

„Pick up!", jungkook said a bit annoyed and I got out of my dream bubble and reached to my phone on the nightstand.

„What is it?", I said with clear annoyance.

„What the fuck are you still doing in bed, get up!", Seokjin yelled.

„Seokjin, it's 7 am."

„So what?"

„It's too early, don't yell at me or I'm going to have the worst day and make it your nightmare."

„Okay okay, but Jimin you really need to get up. It's not just for Taehyung, it's for Jungkook's and your reputation too, the whole Kim company's reputation.", Seokjin said with that cute smile of his, which makes me do anything for him.
I hate this birch

„I hate you."

„I love you too.", Jin said laughing.
I had to smile a bit even tho I was annoyed of his guts.

„OKAY NOW GET READY.", Jin yelled and hung up on my face without waiting for a reply.

And there was my mood gone.

„Jimin, what Reputation Are you guys talking about and what Are you two planning?", jungkook asked out of curiousness

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„Jimin, what Reputation Are you guys talking about and what Are you two planning?", jungkook asked out of curiousness.
I knew he was still sleepy so the only thing I said was.
„Sleep, my kid, sleep. I will tell you once u grow up."

Jungkook was way too tired to give an answer so he just nodded, not minding the offence of jimin calling him a kid.

Now, let's get ready I guess.

At Seokjin and Taehyung's house:

„Seokjin why are you up this early and all dressed", Taehyung asked coming out of the shower with a towel around his waist, shirtless.

It's 7 am, a normal time for business men to wake up and everyone to go to their work.
But Seokjin was this type of person, who went to his company at 11 am, because he is a long sleeper. He needs his 10 hours of sleep.
It was rather unusual to see Jin already dressed up and ready to go.

„Are you Sick?", Taehyung said coming closer and putting his hand onto Seokjin's forehead to check his temperature, because Jin looked rather red.

„No I'm fine, i just decided to go to the company earlier today.", Seokjin said with a smile, trying to seem trustworthy.

Taehyung gave him a suspicious look.
„Seokjin go to bed, you are clearly a bit sick, you usually never-„

„No I'm fine Taehyung I really am.", Seokjin cut him off and put a hand on taehyung's shoulder.

Not realising he was touching bare skin.

„No you are not, why the sudden change, you Never go out this early, go to bed Jin seriously.", Taehyung said taking Jin's hand from his shoulder and dragging him to their bedroom.

„Taehyung stop.", Seokjin tried to wiggle out of his grip by pulling his hand back but bumped hard on taehyung's back by doing that movement.

„Damn your back is hard as a rock, mister.", Seokjin said rubbing his forehead.

„Seokjin stop going off topic. Did something happen at the company? You don't need to stress if yes, I know you heard about my company's condition right now but don't worry, I got this. Just don't overwork yourself. I'll manage to do something, so please just sleep a bit more." Taehyung said reaching his hand out to Seokjin's face.
„I don't want you to get wrinkles and eyebags because of me because of the lack of sleep.", he said caressing Jin's cheek.

Jin pushed Tae's hand away.
„Excuse me? Wrinkles?! Eyebags?!"

Taehyung laughed.
„Stop acting offended, you know what I mean.
I just want you to be healthy, I care about you." , he said with honesty even though it was cringe.

Seokjin's Heart skipped a beat but he quickly regained his composure.

„Okay okay stop this lovey dovey shit, it seems like we are an actual married couple in love.", Jin said rubbing his arm in nervousness.

Taehyung taken aback only awkwardly laughed.
„Uh yeah, but I do care about you. Like friends right?"

„HA, yeah oh my god, friends yup.", Seokjin said, fist bumping Tae into his shoulder.

Taehyung only stared awkwardly.
„Uhm, if you really want to go to work now do it, uhhh... I'll go get dressed then.", Taehyung said standing weirdly still with no t-Shirt on and wet hair.

„Yeah dude, go on, have a nice day at work.", Jin said with a bright smile.
Taehyung smiled to and when they both turned around to leave to opposite directions, their smiles fell.

"Friends, huh.", both of them thought to themselves.

With a big sigh, Seokjin sat into his car and made his way to jimin's apartment to drive him to mister Choi.


love some besties with benefits

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