Chapter 25

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Jin was waiting infront of Jimin's apartment. He was taking ages.
After a 15 minute wait, Seokjin saw a fully glammed up Jimin.

"CAN YOU HURRY THE FUCK UP?!", he yelled out of his opened car window, no patience left in his body.
"Patience my friend."

"DONT!", Seokjin yelled again, eye twitching, as jimin entered the car. "DO NOT! SAY THAT WORD EVER AGAIN."

With trembling lips, Jin looks at him and points a warning finger at Jimin.

"What has gotten into you, Jin, what word are you talking about?!"


Jimin just huffed.
"Who friendzoned you?", he asked with a smirk.

"N-no one tf.",Seokjin made a duh face and continued with an arrogant smile "look at me, I am the one and only Kim Seokjin ."

"Yeah yeah whatever.", jimin yawned.

Changing the topic, Jimin started asking questions about today and the plan.
Seokjin started telling him today's schedule.
" Today you just have to get familiar with the place, get comfortable and from time to time you need to get closer to people, put on a facade, notice with whom Mr. Choi talks and is close with. BUT DONT GET CAUGHT."

Jimin nodded to show that he understood."Aight, bet, what do I get for this?"

"What do you want?", jin said rolling his eyes.

"Hmmm... we are going to go to a spa in the evening after work, there I'm going to tell you everything."

"Ok sounds like a plan.", jin agreed and dropped Jimin off at Choi's.

Jimin's POV;

Oh my god! Oh my god! Oh my god! Oh my- I fucking hate this place.

What is this-
No like what is this for real.

I just walked into the building and everyone has been giving rude vibes, like they all hate me for some reason.
And also it's so cold in here.

I go to the receptionist and explain why I am here.
She nods and tells me to follow her.
I follow her until we reach some crusty stairs and a luxurious elevator.

"Mister Park, Mister Choi's room is on the 24th floor on the left side, the last room."

I quickly nodded and hurried to the elevator. I didn't want to run late or else Seokjin would kill me.  I have lost my way in this company for the 10th time, it's small but so ugly and plain boring, everything is the same I just can't find the right way.

So I only have 8 minutes left. I have to hurry. Like really hurry now.

"I may leave now.", I said to the receptionist and bowed down. After that I went to the elevator but I was held back by a hand on my shoulder.

"I'm sorry Mister Park but you may use the stairs to reach Mister Choi's office."

And that's when I slowly got really annoyed.

"Why, isn't the elevator working?"

"No, our company is always fully equipped and in its best shape, you just aren't allowed to use the elevator, only VIP's.", she said with a knowing smile, wiggling her eyebrows.

I'm going to slap her.

"Ahahah, I see, I see. The stairs look just as fine.", I said turning away with a fake smile, not wanting to continue this crusty conversation with this ugly woman, no shade, I just get really bad vibes.

Fuck, I need to hurry, only 5 minutes left.

I started sprinting the stairs up, cursing to myself.

I really hate my life.

I reached the 24th floor in 4 minutes.
I should literally go to the olympics, this is a world record.

Now I only need to find that old pedo's office.
I turn to the left floor, as the woman had described and make my way to Mister Choi.

At point nine o'clock I knock on his door doing last check ups on my looks and enter after I heard the two words of his ugly voice.
"Come in."

I quickly put on a fake smile and enter.

"Good Morning~", Jimin said with enthusiasm.

I wish you the worst morning, you rat of a man, Choi ass: I thought to myself.

Taehyung POV:

After I dressed up I made my way to the kitchen and gave my dog some food and prepared a sandwich for myself.

What's with Seokjin these past few days?, I ask myself sighing.

He was so chill about me calling us friends. He might not even have an interest in me. Whatever we did was without any meaning.

Could it be? Seokjin could be into someone else... wait no, that can't be possible.. right? I mean... we are just arranged, he doesn't need to love me, it's all a facade... but would he really do this?

Before going deeper into my depressing thoughts I felt a tingling sensation on my leg.

It was Yeontan. I smile as I pick him up.

At least you love me Tannie.
I cuddle him into my arms and let his small face rest on my shoulder.

After a while I kiss his head and pick him up to his small dog bed.

I go to the bathroom to do a quick refreshing and then head to my company. It's 7:30.

Seokjin had already oddly left.
I shake my head, not wanting to bother too much, it might be nothing and walk to my car.
Let's go to work, shall we.

Seokjin's POV:
I cant concentrate.
I literally can't.
No way.
Friends friends friends friends friends.
It bangs my head.
Does Taehyung really feel this way about me?!?
Shut up, no way.

I'm going crazy.
I cry out a Yelp after I banged my head on the table.
But I still sunk back into my table and closed my eyes. My head hurts. Love is not good for me. No good. Yup, Seokjin you shouldn't love anyone in this world other than yourself, but, BUT HOW COULD HE JUST CALL US FRIE- ARGHHH
I cant even say that word anymore.

Seokjin come back to your senses, I say to myself.

Deep breaths Seokjin.

"Phone ringing"
Oh, oh my god, it's jimin.
"Hey chim, what's up? Any news and information?"

"Yes I got a few things but I'm coming to tell you later in the spa."

"Okay, is it juicy?", I ask out of curiosity.

"Yes for sure it is.", I head jimin laugh.
"Yo, Seokjin I have to go, I'll tell you everything later, see you."

And they both hung up.

Just you wait Mister Choi, this is your end.
I smirk and concentrate on my work.

boring. I know its boring.
Hang in there

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