Chapter 8

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After Taejin married, they settled into their own house. Their parents decided to give them privacy. After all now they are married husbands.

It was a normal morning. Tae and Jin Waking up. Taehyung being the first one because he fell asleep earlier than planned and didn't even notice Jin arriving at home.

Jin was at his dad's company to discuss some certain things. After all he was going to be the next CEO.

The same as Taehyung for his company. Because that's the making thing why the families decided to let their kids marry each other after all both of the companies are one of the most powerful and known. So to make it even more powerful they partnered up.

Taehyung got up, to prepare breakfast. He knew that this day would be quite busy for Jin and him.

Jin had to head to his dad's house and Tae had to go to the company to work.

Knowing how exhausted Jin was from yesterday's visit at Jin's dad's company, he decided to make him some breakfast in bed.

He wasn't the best in cooking but he knew some easy dishes.

So he warmed up some kimchi and made an avocado toast with a cereal next to it. As a dessert he cut him multiple fruits in one bowl.
(Idk if that combo is actually nice)

When he finished decorating the plate he went up to their shared room. Yes their mom's forced them to share a room. And put the plate on the nightstand and tried to wake jin up.

"Hey, Jin, wake up, breakfast is read-"

"Shut up",Jin mumbled, knitting his eyebrows and turning his back to Tae.
And continued sleeping.

Taehyung just wasn't ready to deal with jin's moody ass so he snatched Rj from him and threw it at his face.

"Ow, what the fuck, I am up." , Jin said glaring at Tae.

Then his eyes fell to that plate which was next to him. His mouth watered.

"Where did u learn how to toast a bread?", Jin asked jokingly.

"Excuse me? I know I am not the best cook but literally I woke up this early for u to make this so shut the hell up and eat."

"Yes, don't worry. I'll take a bite.
"Mmm fucking delicious", Jin said after he took a bite. Tae smiled with his cute box smile. On the other side Jin turned around and was about to puke. That bread was completely burnt.

"Tae follow me, I am going to show u the basics of a goddamn breakfast", Jin said with tired eyes walking to the kitchen.

Tae sighed and followed.

"So first show me how u toast a bread."

Tae just nodded and grabbed a toast and walked over to the toaster.
He set the timer for the toaster for 5 minutes.

"Hold on hold on hold the fuck on. Taehyung, honey what the hell are you doing, not to criticise but like I have to. Ur toast that I ate a few minutes ago was completely burnt and tasted like grandma fart I am so sorry, that was maybe too extreme. But it tasted really burnt.", Jin quickly said after he noticed Tae's sad look.

"Hey but don't worry I am gonna teach you how to make the best one.", jin winked.

"Yes okay, so what do I do?"

"Put it on 2 minutes. Then take it out and put whatever toppings u want. After that u got ur unburnt toast."

They waited. And after a few minutes Tae served his toast with the help of Jin.
Jin cut it in half so the both of them could taste it.
Both took a bite and Tae moaned.
"Ah, this, this toast damn, this tastes so g-" *phone notification*
Tae quickly got up and remembered that he still had a meeting with his dad at his dad's company. Without finishing his toast, he got up and stormed upstairs to their bedroom.

"What's wrong Tae?", Jin asked but he got no response so he decided to look at taehyung's phone which was vibrating the whole time now.

He was about to pick up when he noticed the Caller's ID, which said;

"assistant Irene"

"What does this- girl want from Taehyung. She has been messaging non stop.", as Jin was about to open all the messages, Tae quickly came running down the stairs, grabbing his toast and phone, which Jin quickly put back down to the table, so that he wouldn't notice.

"Can u hold this for a second?", Tae asked in hurry as he was trying to get his shoes on but with full hands it wasn't easy.
"Yes sure." Jin said taking Taehyung's toast. Not even bugging and eating it.

"Okay done u can give it ba- JIN! WHY THE FUCK DID U EAT MY TOAST I AM HUNGRY!!"

"Yeah yeah whatever get lost.", Jin said pushing Taehyung out of the door and closing the door.

Taehyung just sighed in annoyance and put his tie on and went to his car and drove off to the company.
He had a business meeting for today and he was about to run late.

Meanwhile at home, Jin was preparing a nice lunch for Tae. Jin had to go to his dad's company too and decided to bring Tae his lunch after that.

He finished preparing Taehyung's lunch and got ready to go out. He would be going to the company of his husband and they drop the food off, after that he would whoop Irene's ass. And drive to his dad's company to get some important papers.

I am updating so slow it makes me puke. Anyways new chapter also I was thinking about making another story but then hold up, wtf? I would never update 😀
So let's first of all stick with this story and later I will make another story .
I hope u are all doing great and this story isn't getting toooo boring :(
Bye 😭💋

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