Chapter 9

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Jin walked up to his closet; "what should I fucking wear?", he thought to himself.
My dad hates it when I show up in sweaters.

Imagine he wore this okay

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Imagine he wore this okay.
And in that bag is the food he made.

"Okay this look is about sexy, I am so handsome~ this Irene bitch is on her knees when she sees me."

He looked at his wrist and it showed that already two hours passed.

He quickly heats the food up that he made and was already walking out of the house.

He went to the garage to pick a car and decided to go.

All car key's

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All car key's.

He decides to go with his new Ferrari.
Jin put the food next to him and started to drive off.

Soon he arrived at Taehyung's company. He gave his keys to some man who was standing there infront of the company, who will drive his car into the garage and out.

He grabbed his belongings and started to walk to Taehyung's office.

Everyone greeted him and he greeted them back with a smile.

As he arrived at the highest floor in the company, where taehyung's office is located. He noticed a person. Without sparing a look he knew it was Irene.
Irene greeted him "H-hello Mr.Kim. Taehyung is still in a meeting."

Jin's eyes shot open a bit but he kept his cool. "Taehyung? Isn't it Mr.Kim for u too? You cannot call my husband Kim Taehyung, Taehyung do u understand?"
She quickly nodded.
"Good because u don't know what I am capable of, now go to my Taehyung and tell him his beloved husband Kim Seokjin is here waiting in his office. Oh and also bring us something to drink."

"W-we have coffee, shou-"
"My Taehyungie doesn't like coffee, didn't u know that? As his assistant u should know and not be so noisy in relationships right. Anyways get to work I cannot waste my time."

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