Chapter 2

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Jin and Taehyung were currently laying in the same bed. With one meter distance to each other and backs facing each other.

Jin knew that Taehyung was a clingy person in his sleep so he arranged him a stuffed animal, which was actually Jin's to Taehyung.

Usually Jin need's something to hug too but he will handle it well, better than Taehyung at least.

After a half of an hour Taehyung still couldn't sleep so he turned over to jin's side so he was facing jin's back. He looked closely at him. The blanket just covered his legs so he had a closer look at his curves and every detail of his body.

Jin did have some wide shoulders. But his tiny waist was really cute.

He never had the time to look at jin's body in high school.

He never really thought that he needed it but damn even girls would kill for that waist of his.

Without thinking Taehyung traced his finger over jins exposed skin. His t-shirt showed a bit of his stomach.

He quickly snapped into reality and pulled away.

Jin was already sleeping, you could notice it from his even breathing and the fact that he was exposed like that.

Taehyung knew that Jin gets cold really fast so he pulled the blanket up till it reached jin's ear.

Sighing to himself, Taehyung grabbed Jin's RJ, which smelled exactly like Jin and he hugged it until he fell asleep.

The next morning

Taehyung woke up to a light weight on his chest.
Opening his eyes he was met with the sight of jin's head on his chest. Mouth formed to a pout and his hair spread messily over Taehyung'a whole chest.

"Imagine waking up to this every morning.", Taehyung thought slightly smiling to himself.

Even though Taehyung still didn't have any feelings for Jin. He still found the other male really attractive and handsome to that his angelic features made him look so perfect and beautiful.

There was a slight attraction over Jin.

Suddenly a knock on the door was heard.
"Good Morning, sleepyheads.", Jin's mother said noticing that his son and his soon to be son-in-law were cuddled up together.

She even noticed a small glimmer in Taehyung's eyes when he eyed him.

"Oh good morning Mrs Kim.", Taehyung said with his deep morning voice which made Jin stir in his sleep and he snuggled closer to Taehyung's neck. He wasn't a morning person.

Taehyung could feel Jin's hot breath on him, which was slightly turning him on but at the moment he was red as a tomato because Jin's mother was eyeing the both of them.

"Oh Taehyung, you can call me mom.", jin's mom said winking to Tae.

"O-Ok m-mom.", Taehyung said, he still wasn't that comfortable to call jin's mother mom.

After jin's mom left the room,
Taehyung tried to wiggle out of Jin's grip because if Jin would wake up like this snuggled up to Tae. He would literally throw a fit that early in the morning.

Jin threw a leg over Taehyung and mumbled. "I know Tae, you want to go away but you are so warm please don't go away let me sleep a bit more then you can go~." Jin said with a pout.

"Mm, also can u caress my back?", Jin said with his sleepy voice still not knowing wtf is going on.

Taehyung slowly moved his hand over to jin's back and hesitated to even move his hand on jin's back. But he eventually did and that's when jin's eyes shot open as he realised that he was in the arms of Taehyung.

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