Chapter 28

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"Help, I'm so disgusted, what the hell was that."

Jimin runs out of the big building at 2am.
4 hours, 4 goddamned hours. He spent 4 hours listening to Mr.Choi and his hate and reasons.

"That was intense.", Jimin thought to himself. But now they had no time to waste.
Jimin had to inform Jin now and they should start working on their project as fast as they can.

If not, Mr Choi is just one step behind his success.

Jimin arrived home, quickly sat on his desk and loaded all his recordings to a file, saving it twice and on different recorders.
He sends the file to Jin.
Makes a plan of the things Mr. Choi has said to him. At 3 am he decided to head to bed and sleep.
Today was a though day, but the days to come are going to be way more intense.

With that thought, Jimin goes to sleep.

At Jin and Taehyung's house:

It's 10 am,

Jin wakes up with a groan, turns to his left and sees taehyung still cuddled up to his side. It was a Sunday.
Sundays meant not going to work and spending time together.

Jin reaches out to his phone and jumps up
"Oh my god."
Jimin has sent him all the files and has informed him about Mr. Choi opening up about it.

With no time to waste, he doesn't even bother to get ready, he storms over to their home office and replays every recording that Jimin had made.

With utter shock he takes notes:

"Seokjin what are you doing?", Taehyung asks with his morning voice

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"Seokjin what are you doing?", Taehyung asks with his morning voice.
"Taehyung, there is something I haven't been telling you and I think it's time to tell you."

"What are you talking about?", Taehyung asks frowning.

" I was wondering why you had asked me to keep a distance from Choi, I saw the clear dislike towards him. I knew there was something going on.
With your company having a hard time, weird pictures being sent to us, someone trying to destroy what you and your family have built but also our relationship, weird people coming into our lives. It all didn't add up, so I asked Jimin to work for Mr. Choi."

"You did what? Wha-"
"Wait.", jin says, "there is more to that. I let Jimin work for him in order to find out what is actually happening.
I was worried Taehyung, you were stressed out and u didn't know what was going on. I didn't want to see you that way. Jimin found out everything and sent me a recording in which he said everything. If u want to, you can listen to it, but I wrote a few things out of it."

Jin gives the letter to Taehyung and replays the recording.
With nothing to say, Taehyung listens carefully and reads through the letter.

With trembling hands, Taehyung says "we have to do something about it, something, my company is almost at its breaking point. I don't want to know what can happen if he destroys my company, we won't have any money left, nothing, since we are married it will be also very difficult for you. Seokjin, I don't want you to suffer."
Taehyung says cubbing jins face with his hands.
"Seokjin, let's break up."

*Pang* Jin's heart just shattered. "What do you mean Taehyung, what are you on about? Why do u want to break up?!", Jin asks searching for an answer in Taehyung's eyes.

"Seokjin, listen I care about you so much, I feel like he will destroy everything. If we break up, you won't be dragged into this mess. We don't have any plan, he could do anything, Seokjin, please I really don't want you to suffer, this is a matter between him and my family. I don't want anything to happen to you, what you have done is already more than enough. You have risked everything for me. I don't want something to happen to you."

"Taehyung no, we are not going to break up, please let's not break up. We will find a way. Jimin has already made a little plan. Mr, Choi has talked about some documents. Those documents will help us, they will show the whole history of Mr. Choi. We will get those and bring him to the police station with this recording.
We will have enough proof, Taehyung do not worry, please. We are in this together, after all I am your husband and I don't want anything to happen to you too."
"Seokjin, I.. I don't know how to thank you honestly, I...", Taehyung looks at his hand, which now hold Seokjin's.

"Just Kiss me.", Seokjin says.

And that is what he does, he leans in and pecks Seokjin on the lips.
Seokjin clearly not liking that single peck, moves his hand to taehyungs head and crashes their lips together, this time harder and longer.

"Thank you, Seokjin, I love you."

"I love you too, Taehyung."

Everyone look away rn

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Everyone look away rn

I can't believe I just wrote that

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I can't believe I just wrote that. I cringed I cringed omfg but it was so cute and honestly this was their first actual time confessing to one another that they actually love each other.

They really meant it this time, so let's celebrate no more bro-Mance but romance, let's gooooo

Arranged marriage -Taejin- Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora