Not Being Told

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Logan and Virgil procrastinate telling their sons about the possible school move, resulting in an explosion one school day that is regretted.

TW - Swearing (not necessarily from Janus - look at me giving some variety), innuendo (that one's from Janus)


"Roman! Remus! You're leaving?" Eric slammed his hands on the table facing his two close friends. Remus and Roman seemed as surprised as Eric, their mouths full of carrot sticks and looking at Eric as if he was insane. "Mr Jackson said Mr Crofters might be handing in his notice! He's leaving the school!"

"Huh?" Roman said after a small silence. "He... Never mentioned anything to do with that."

"Why wouldn't he tell you?" The boys could only shrug. "I mean it really seemed to upset Mr Jackson, he was almost crying in our class."

Roman and Remus glanced at each other. It was the first day back after Easter break, the best Easter break of their lives with all the Easter eggs and the trip to Disneyland. Logan seemed perfectly relaxed and happy, not hiding anything and enjoying spending time with them and their brothers. Why would he suddenly quit his job? He loved teaching – at least that was what he told his kids every day. He also told the students at the high school how much he loved teaching. Had the Ray-Feliz boys stopped that passion? Had they done something wrong?

"We need to go to Dad." Remus whispered and Roman automatically agreed. They ran out of the canteen as quick as they could, leaving their packed lunches and bags on the table. If Logan left his job without getting another one he definitely wouldn't be able to provide for his family of six, and he was only qualified to be a teacher, was he going to give them up? They ran out across the corridors, zooming past people waving at them or wanting to talk. Remus could feel his eyes become clouded as he held his brother's hand and sprint into his Dad's classroom.

"Boys what..."

"You're leaving?" Remus managed to choke out, almost screaming it and letting the tears fall. Roman also seemed to be crying but was holding his brother's hand and staring at Logan. Logan sat at his desk marking work, with Janus opposite him also looking concerned.

Logan sighed and walked towards the twins bringing them into a hug. "Hey, it's alright... Just calm down a little and we can talk about it after school."

"No! We need to know now!" Remus screamed again, untangling himself from the hug to glare at his father. "You can't tell an English teacher before telling your own kids! We're your family! Do you not care?" Logan was frantically trying to quiet him as he was obviously heard from the corridor, but Remus didn't care. He was full of anger and fear and needed to let all of it out.

"You're such a stupid fucking idiot! I hate you! You can't act like you're going to adopt us then leave us out of things – got it? Got that through your thick skull?" Remus continued screaming, throwing every insult at the parent/teacher he was staring at, while slightly calm Roman closed the classroom door. Logan silenced instead of trying to shush his son, smiling softly before looking down and holding Remus' hands. "I hate you so much!"


Logan's response confused Remus a little even though he knew it was a common reaction for the teacher. If ever a student kicked off and started angrily shouting in class Mr Crofters was a professional at staying calm and collected, and tended to just nod and agree while trying to get the student out the classroom. His eyes were soon empty of tears as he stared at the teacher that was now stood level with him and stroking his hands. He just stood staring in half amazement while choking on past tears.

"I'm sorry." Logan started once Remus had silenced, keeping the eye contact with his son. "It was just a passing comment to a friend of mine that I didn't want to get out to anyone other than him just yet. It's because of Papa's work, he wants to get a better job to supply for us but that might involve moving from Sanders Academy to another school. We wanted to tell you before school started but we never found a correct moment to say the bombshell that you might be leaving the place you consider a home."

Remus nodded, taking slow breaths to calm himself. He was glad Logan spoke slowly so that he could copy his breathing patterns and calm. Then Logan smiled again, glancing at Roman with the same smile. They stayed silent for a few minutes, Logan allowed time for his sons to process everything and even Janus was quietly eating a sandwich and not making eye contact with the family. Remus expected some kind of punishment for his screaming and swearing at a school teacher but no such punishment came. Logan just kept on holding his hands and softly smiling.

"I have a planning period after lunch, I can drive you both home so you can play some games together or something and not have to face classes."

"Does Papa know how likely it would be that we have to move?" Roman whispered, walking closer to Logan before fitting himself between Logan's arm and chest. Logan sighed, flicking Roman's hair with his chin as both hands were working on calming Remus.

"Soon. And you won't have to move schools until September if we do."

Remus let go of Logan's hands and also shuffled closer for a hug. Logan hugged them both, holding one in each hand. "I will do anything to make sure we don't move kiddos, don't worry about that." Logan whispered, just cherishing his moment with his kids. "And you have to remember it is perfectly acceptable to cry – it doesn't challenge your masculinity and it's a very big moment in your lives and I can easily email your teachers about..."

"Shut up Dad." Remus muffled while his face dug into Logan's black button up shirt. He paused for a moment how the shirt had transformed in a year: from a threat before Mr Crofters took time to help him, to secure as he knew he could use maths lessons as an escape from being a Ray-Feliz, and now the shirt held who he knew was the family that would never turn away or hurt him. "I love you."

"And that is where I leave to let Mr Crofters be a sweet as honey sap." Mr Jackson sighed, finishing his lunch and standing, a chuckle escaping him the same time the movement of a chuckle escaped the body the twins were hugging. He walked towards the door but stopped at the twins, who had now lifted their heads to look at him. "You two have the best Dad in the world, and you deserve it." He said unusually seriously, Mr Jackson was never serious. That only lasted a second though. "I mean he already had a lot of practice with his husband calling him Daddy."

Mr Jackson winked and left, letting the twins and Logan chuckle to themselves at the very Janus appropriate joke. Logan stood, not forcing his sons to let go of him but probably just saving his legs from hurting. "Right – I'll send you home? Papa bought Mario Kart for the Switch yesterday."

"You can join us Dad." Roman said as more of an order rather than a request. "You have our class last lesson today – and you can get away with one substitute teacher lesson to be with your kids right?" Roman smiled wide, fluttering his eyelashes balancing gold eyeshadow on them with a giggle. Logan sighed and rolled his eyes.

"Fine. Just this once though, and I'll put it down to Remus' screaming fit rather than a passion to beat your butts at Mario Kart." Remus laughed nervously but agreed to the plan. He could easily unleash a little more pent up anger at other things in front of the front office to be allowed out school.

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