One Shot 6 - A Question Up for Debate

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Virgil and Logan confess their love for each other and have their first kiss. This is a long chapter.
(And yes I did create a ThomasxNico moment even though Thomas also exists later in the timeline - let's just pretend character Thomas is an eternal being like Doctor Who)

Logan and Virgil are freshmen year of college (18/19)

The only TW is anxiety


"You're boring, you know that?" Virgil's roommate, Nico, gave a soft smile while brushing his hair. Virgil only shrugged, midway through a Netflix show and eating a bacon sandwich. "Tom is gonna be so hot... Isn't your boyfriend on the debate team too?"

"Boyfriend?" Virgil echoed at first, not necessarily putting things together until he realised and scowled. "He's not my boyfriend yet... I'm going to ask him out next week when I have the balls to do it."

Nico was Virgil's enthusiastic roommate; a poet and writer of romance novels and therefore apparently a matchmaker. He had predicted Virgil held an attraction towards their friend, Logan Crofters, before Virgil even realised the cause of his blushing cheeks himself. Virgil just resorted it to social anxiety, but no, it was definitely love. And Virgil was going to do something about it – eventually. "Surely, if you're going to ask a guy out you shouldn't ghost him?" Nico taunted, pinning a pansexual badge onto his shirt and smirking at Virgil through the mirror. Virgil mumbled before he could answer.

"I – I'm not ghosting him! I just know that if I look at him the reality would sink in that I'm about to ask a really hot guy on a date who is also my best friend..." Virgil could feel his cheeks heating up at just the thought of Logan. Everything about him just seemed perfect. His voice was just so soft and gentle, he was so caring and sweet, even the way he walked made him look like he was gliding on clouds. That wasn't even taking into account Logan's physical features, including his soft lips that Virgil ever so wanted to touch...

Virgil was interrupted from his dream like state by a pile of clothes hitting his face, then Nico smirking at him. "I'm looking hot for Tom, you're looking hot for Logan." Nico said, as a command rather than a request before focusing on his hair again. And Virgil was a mess, still in the pyjamas he dressed into after his 3pm class, and now it was the early evening and Nico wanted to see his crush at a college debate. Both his crush and Logan were on the debate team. Nico had been to other debates and always came back from it all lovey-dovey and wanting to tell Virgil about how cute Tom was and how beautiful his eyes were when he was passionate about whatever nerdy topic the team had to argue over.

To be fair Nico knew the exact style Virgil liked. Black jeans as always, along with a purple and black striped shirt and black hoodie. It was simple, but Virgil didn't want to bring much attention to himself as honestly he was nervous. He had been subtly avoiding Logan for a few days ever since he decided he was going to ask the nerd on a date. And what he wanted to avoid the most was the question of why he had avoided his best friend, especially if that question came from Logan himself.

"Shit! The debate's gonna start soon V!" Nico shouted as both boys worked on straightening their hair. Luckily the pair had lots of practice being emo under time pressure so soon they grabbed their bags and went to the debate hall.

College debates weren't usually crowded. Everyone came for the sport competitions, everyone apart from Virgil and his friends as it wasn't usually their scene. Debates were only attended by 'nerds' or friends of the debaters. Virgil knew as soon as he walked in this debate was different though, campus security was walking up and down the seats of the auditorium directing people where to sit. He looked at the other people walking in, every person held a blue piece of paper in that looked like a ticket. Virgil sighed and turned to his friend. "You didn't book tickets? You're crazy about seeing Tom at these things..."

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