A Crofters School Day

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Virgil helps Remus with his struggles while Logan helps Emile with his tie.

TW - Depressive thoughts, depression medication; but apart from that it's cute fluff.

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Virgil sprinted into the kitchen. "Roman's using the family bathroom and Patton's using the en-suite, but Emile needs the toilet – what do I do?" Virgil spoke quicker than Logan's brain could function so early in the morning. It was almost 7am on the Monday, but his brain was still wishing it was Sunday so all he could focus on was the toast he was buttering. Virgil was different, he didn't have work at all that day so had been up since 5am and was running about getting the kids ready for school. "Do I get him to use the bush? What if he needs to sh-poo?" Virgil changed the wording quickly as Emile walked in with brushed hair but still in his pyjamas.

"Uh... Let him play and he'd forget it?" Logan took a wild guess, he wasn't good at kids under the age of fourteen. Virgil sighed and picked Emile up, almost tripping over Remy and receiving a hiss in return. Virgil hissed back and then disappeared.

After a few minutes Roman and Patton came downstairs. Patton was brushing his hair while Roman was sorting out his jacket. "We're ready Dad!" Patton cheered, grabbing a few grapes from the table and eating them.

"Where's Remus?" Logan raised an eyebrow and placed his laptop in his bag. Patton shrugged and looked to Roman.

"He's in bed. Didn't want to get up."

Logan immediately knew what that alluded to. He had to help Virgil through the experience several times in college. He only nodded. "You boys can watch TV. I'll make sure your brother's alright." Logan was about to go and talk Remus out of bed himself until he heard the soft laughter of his husband along with Emile's chatter. He knocked gently and spoke through the door. "Um honey? Can you wake Remus up? I'll take care of Emile – he's in need of Project Storm-cloud." Project Storm-cloud was a code the couple used often when Virgil wasn't feeling the best mentally and needed one on one encouragement.

"Sure sweetie." Virgil got Emile out of the bath and walked out. He entered the twins' room, Roman's bed by the window was empty and clean with a small teddy with a red bow laid on the pillow. On the other side of the room Remus lay in a ball, facing the wall and silent.

"Hey Remus..." Virgil said softly, sitting at the end of his bed. Remus didn't move, his face moved against the pillow. Virgil sighed and stroked his hair. "Can you turn around and look at me?" Remus shook his head, just moving his pillow. Virgil wasn't good at doing this, usually Logan would do it to Virgil but he supposed Virgil would be able to relate to Remus more. "You don't have to go to school. Just talk to me about what you're feeling."

"Mph... Bad..." Remus mumbled, turning his head so he was facing the wall again and his hazel eyes meeting Virgil. Virgil nodded, walking to Remus' wardrobe.

"We can spend the day together if you want. I don't have work so we can go to Hot Topic or something." Remus scowled and mumbled something, holding his green bowed teddy in his palm. Virgil looked through Remus' drawers to get some clothes out for him to wear so that he'd have a small goal to try. But then he found a small pill box, seven boxes attached and labelled for each day. They were all full because it was the start of the week.

"What are you doing?" Remus sat up as Virgil opened the packet for the Monday, taking one of the two pills out. "That won't help."

"Why wouldn't it? We can call your counsellor if the prescription needs changing and get that done today." Remus mumbled again and sat up, shrugging.

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