One Shot 5 - A Crofters Christmas

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Sssshh I literally wrote this one on Christmas Day. It's just Christmas cuteness that I'm now reading again mid-March.


Virgil visualised his husband's face in the dark. He was smiling like an idiot at 1am while organising in what order all the presents would go. "We have to be quiet honey, we don't want to ruin the Christmas magic." Logan whispered excitedly, giving Virgil a peck on the lips as he turned on a dim torch. Virgil mumbled to himself and grabbed Logan's hand to wake up as he added the final bows.

"I think only Emile still believes in Santa babe." He said softly, the goofy smile eventually appearing on his face too as he stood and gave his husband a kiss on the cheek. "And even then, elementary school kids can be bitches so they might have told him."

Logan only shrugged while Virgil drew circles on his cheek. The only expression Logan could describe on his husband's face was pure joy. If he was cheesy enough he'd say that the magic of Christmas made his husband wake up with minimal complaints instead of refusing to stand up. It made Logan attack his husband's face with a kiss again, this kiss slightly longer as they were both too tired to let go. Virgil giggled into the kiss and ruffled Logan's hair. "We going to do the stockings or do you have something else in mind now?"

"Mmm... Shut up." Logan chuckled, giving Virgil a last peck before grabbing as many presents as he could and heading downstairs. Virgil did the same and followed slightly more sleepily. It was magic how Logan always seemed wide awake no matter what time it was. He didn't think he'd met a sleep deprived Logan yet in their eight years of knowing each other.

They eventually had managed to fill all the stockings, admiring their embroidered sons' names before they'd be packed away another year. "Kind of fun how Patton and Roman rhyme with Logan – makes you fit right in." Virgil murmured, hanging Roman's red stocking back up against the fireplace.

"And Remus rhymes with you – Virgulas." Logan giggled and stuck his tongue out, making Virgil sigh. No-one used his full name which he was proud of, he was just named Virgil by everyone even though Virgulas was on his birth certificate. It meant not many people knew of his full name too – so he was only taunted about it from his husband. He couldn't help that his parents were English nerds so wanted to give their first child a unique name.

"Fuck you." He said playfully, not expecting a response from his husband.

"I'm ready when you're ready."

Even though the pair had been married for years and were dating for a while before marriage, any mention of sexual activities from Logan made Virgil stutter and blush. They only sometimes actually followed through with it afterwards, but just the idea of it absolutely broke Virgil when looking at his husband. He was so lucky to marry that man.

Logan stood in front of the fireplace and picked up the sherry, mince pie and carrot that was left by the boys before bedtime. He examined the carrot while Virgil walked over. "Should we just cut the carrot with a knife honey? It's far too hard to put your mouth around..." Logan's speech murmured once he realised what he said, letting Virgil smirk and grab the carrot.

"Watch me. I'm good at fitting hard things in my mouth."

Logan giggled softly, kissing Virgil's forehead and snaking his arm around his waist, admiring the love of his life. Virgil was focused on trying to break the carrot, mumbling and swearing to himself while Logan ate the mince pie and drank the sherry. His husband was the cutest being on the planet and he didn't want to let him go.


Virgil yawned as his dream faded away in front of him and he landed in the soft bed he shared with his husband. He turned to his side with another yawn, not having the energy to open his eyes just yet. He knew what day it was, mainly because his sleep got interrupted the night before when they had to fill stockings and eat a mince pie and frozen carrot. He reached out to put an arm around his husband's chest but surprisingly the other side of the bed was empty. He furrowed his eyebrows and opened an eye for a moment. He was so used to getting Christmas morning cuddles from his husband he didn't consider that not happening this year.

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