One Shot 11 - Mr Janus Jackson

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I love teacher Janus so much.

This story takes place before the Ray-Felizes are adopted


"If they tell me I have to deal with middle schoolers I will kill a bitch..." Janus snapped to himself, parking his car and turning on his phone in order to check his emails. It was a Monday, and Janus hated Mondays, but even more so when he got a surprise extra lesson with middle schoolers last Friday and was afraid of the same happening again. He hadn't had much sleep either, spent way too much time swiping on Tinder to find 'the one' – and failed of course. But now he didn't really mind too much, he loved his career and how he could get away with anything. He also wasn't the type of person for long-term monogamous commitment.

He got into the school just in time for his first lesson so couldn't talk to his best friend before classes. But he did have time to bring donuts – not for his classes but for himself to eat throughout the day. First class was one of his freshman drama classes though – which was a fun class... No he definitely won't willingly give his donuts.

"Sit down bitches!" Janus shouted as he walked into class, already eating his first donut. The freshmen immediately sat down, still chatting amongst themselves. It was almost summer so the freshmen weren't scared of high school anymore, which also meant they didn't exactly listen on the first command. Janus sat by his desk and turned on the lesson he was preparing today. "Right – let's do some Hamlet Act 1 Scene 2. Get your scripts and stand."

The students did as their teacher said, chatting amongst themselves for a few minutes. When they all settled again Janus smiled and turned to the monologue, but not before a student – the kind of nerd Logan would love – interrupted.

"Sir! Aren't we meant to have that quiz today that you forgot to bring last week?"

And he forgot again, not that he could tell his students that. He had been told by the higher staff at the school many times that he needed to maintain his professional, academic demeanour and therefore couldn't admit he fucked up again. He nodded, thinking of a fool-proof plan. "After you do this."

The freshmen worked in pairs through the scene, where Hamlet was talking about how much of a hopeless romantic his mother was. Freshmen were never the best performers, especially with Shakespeare – well, apart from Roman Ray-Feliz. An auburn headed freshman who was obsessed with theatre and was very good at acting. It was his element, but it's not that rare for a student every once in a while to appear and be obviously destined for stardom. But Roman was unique for some reason. He seemed important.

After a few minutes of watching his students, specifically Roman, Janus decided to initiate his plan. He had seen a dodgy looking lightbulb earlier in the day when he was walking to class, it was sparking and sizzling and looked like it needed desperately to be replaced. The staff wouldn't mind if he alerted them would they? Because he had a very specific way to tell them.

He faced the light bulb, locating a nearby fire alarm. He stared at the bulb with acted shock, before pulling the alarm quickly to make a loud, piercing beeping sound. Janus immediately ran back to his classroom and went through the fire drill routine to take them outside. The kids were laughing and excited, knowing they'd miss the rest of the lesson – and therefore their quiz – because of this sudden emergency.

All the classes stood in line on the school field, chatting to each other. Logan had a senior class, who were silent and on their phones – fully used to this. Logan was looking at his watch and doing his register in between telling his students to put their phone away. Eventually all the registers were finished and the two teachers could chat.

"Did you forget to mark homework?" Logan said with a small smile, whispering so no-one else could hear him. Janus was lucky his friend was compliant with his friend's mischief.

"No! There was a dangerous light bulb beside Mr Herman's classroom!" Janus exclaimed, hand on his heart, leaning back in exaggeration. Logan rolled his eyes and crossed his arms. "Fine... I forgot to prepare a blocking quiz over the weekend." Logan chuckled with that explanation. He wasn't the type to tell him he 'really shouldn't do that' and 'put education first' like other teachers do – even though those were the mottos he lived by himself. "I had this really good date! He didn't want a second date – but it was still really good."

"I don't want to hear about your sex life while stood in front of your freshmen Jan – we'll talk at lunch time."

Janus didn't get into trouble for pulling the fire alarm as technically he had a valid reason as the light bulb could be a danger to students. The lessons started again, but not with enough time for Mr Jackson could give his freshmen a test. He had until the end of the week to create something and told Logan to remind him by Thursday to make one. Soon it became lunch, when Logan and Janus ate lunch together.

When Janus walked into his friend's math classroom the teacher was picking up pieces of paper from the floor. Janus looked confused, making Logan sigh. "The Ray-Feliz twins... Remus won't stop throwing pieces of paper at his brother." He said simply. Janus also helped picking up any small pieces of paper he could find. He didn't have many students throw things across the classroom – ever – but he definitely had kids passing notes. He opened each piece of paper as he saw it, soon realising every piece had a letter.

"Hey, give me all the pieces of paper." Janus walked over to his friend, sitting at a desk and placing all the letters in front of him. It was obviously an A5 piece of paper than was written on by Remus and then ripped to be placed together again. For a few minutes the two teachers had light conversation and tried to restore the message placed in front of them. The message revealed itself to be a simple sentence: 'PAT IS SICK'. "Who's Pat?"

Logan shrugged, eating the sandwich that was lovingly crafted by his husband. "There's a Patrick in the class... Isn't sick the same as cool?"

"I don't think the youth say that anymore Lo." Janus murmured, making Logan sigh and shake his head. He had complained several times before that Remus was the type of student that failed to listen. Janus counted himself lucky he only dealt with one Ray-Feliz twin. Dealing with both, especially at the same time, seemed like hell to the teacher who truly cared about helping them succeed.

If Janus had a genie he would ask for three things: a committed lover, someone to do his tests and mark his homework for him, and for the Ray-Feliz twins to be able to focus on school and succeed as much as their two teachers knew they could.

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