One Shot 10 - Twin Arguments

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Remus and Roman have an argument, resulting in Remus rethinking his future. - This was also a request and sorry it's so long.

As explained in the chapter - Emile is in the last year of elementary school (9-10 years old), Patton's the last year of high school (17-18 years old) and Roman and Remus are adults with Roman in his second year of college (19-20 years old). This means Logan and Virgil are early 30s.

Also I have no idea how American colleges work and when normal high schoolers apply - I'm just assuming it's the same as Britain where you look around colleges in junior year and make your decision in senior year.

Bounce Back is a real charity, I don't know if it's just a British thing, but I'd recommend to check them out if you're wanting to donate to a charity. What they do is really good.

Their website is


Virgil was up and getting coffee and 3am. That wasn't unusual. He was often awake way earlier than he wanted to – and he did have work beginning at 6am so it wasn't so detrimental to his health that he was injecting caffeine into his system. He also had things to pass the time, Emile was preparing to graduate Sanders Elementary and Patton was on his way to graduating high school – so as well as entertaining Virgil with anxious thoughts he also quite enjoyed being up at 3am sitting at the dining room table and preparing forms for Emile to start middle school and lists upon lists on how to travel and pack for Patton's college goodbye. Some of these times Logan ended up joining him. He was also reluctant on letting the boys grow up so fast. The pair were lucky Remus was still living at home. He had decided to avoid college for now until he felt better mentally – and of course his fathers were going to support that. Roman, on the other hand, was in his second year at Pace University in New York living his best life.

Virgil heard a hard trudging down the stairs and looked up, spotting Remus going down the stairs in his black dressing gown. Virgil smiled at him softly. "Ready for work at 6?" He watched Remus walk into the kitchen. Remus entertained himself in his mental health gap year by working as a barista at Virgil's coffee shop – Bean There, Espresso That – and quite enjoyed the time out.

"Don't talk to me." Remus growled, and Virgil chuckled thinking his son was just tired. He continued to look through all the paperwork he was organising – Patton was still deciding between going to NYU and University of Colorado. Both needed paperwork to be done by his adoptive parents. After a while Remus sat opposite him, sipping coffee and glaring at the table.

"Are you alright Re?" Virgil said gently, giving a concerned look as Remus started to look less tired and more upset. Remus nodded so he knew to leave it.

"Does Pat actually want to go to college?" Remus eventually asking, making Virgil look up and think for a moment. He certainly had nothing against it, and he wanted to be an elementary school teacher. He was in fact excited to move away from home like his brother and explore a whole new world. Although he knew once he'd be away for the first semester he'd want to return every Christmas, Easter and summer as Roman had that experience the school year previous. "He's not being forced right? He knows he can just stay here and not go to college at all. That's a possibility." Remus spoke quickly, as if thinking through his racing thoughts.

"Remus. He has you to look up to too, he knows all his possibilities. He just wants to choose college." Virgil smiled, but Remus didn't respond happily. He automatically expected that this sudden mood change was not due to tiredness, and he automatically gave a softer look. Remus still looked away. Virgil turned back to his papers and sighed. "Right – um – how about we get showered and dressed and then watch a movie together before work? I saw a new horror movie on Netflix."

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