One Shot 9 - The Search For Food

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Remy themed chapter!

The timeline of this could be any. Just Roman and Remus are still in high school. All that matters is Remy.

TW - Is cats a trigger? There's also a lot of mentions of Remy eating and asking for food and having a lot of food but he's a cat so I don't know if it's TW worthy.

And yes, I did name the Crofters puppy Beck after the psychologist that first theorised cognitive distortions (and also an important psychologist in studying depression and anxiety)


Remy stretched, he was lying on the sofa in a ball but now he was awake. And he was hungry. Once he pounced off the sofa he looked around to think of someone to bother. Logan and Virgil had their door shut, Logan was snoring relatively loudly and Remy was surprised he didn't wake anyone else.

He scratched the door of the next room – Patton's room he believed. The door opened from his weight to allow Remy to stroll in. The lump on his bed was Patton, lying on his side in a ball. The entirety of his room was light blue and white – teddies galore on his bed so Remy couldn't easily pounce. He tried anyway, grumbling and swatting a teddy that almost made him fall off the bed, before sitting right on Patton's shoulder staring down at him.

The lump didn't budge for a few minutes. Then Patton quickly turned onto his back, making Remy fall back onto the bed with a grumble and almost hiss. Yet he wasn't giving up yet. He climbed onto Patton's chest and glared again, trying to think of another plan.

He knew one plan that always worked on Virgil. Virgil was a light sleeper however unlike this amalgamation of fluffy cloud personality. But slowly Remy inches closer, his breath erupting around the cat's face – it smelled heavily of garlic as the family had spicy spaghetti and garlic mushrooms. But Remy persevered, opening his mouth and leaning towards the teenager's button nose. And then he bit.

Patton still didn't move, he didn't wake up. It was time to try someone else.

The next bedroom was Roman and Remus'. And they sounded awake, there was a quiet whispering between the two occupants of the room. Remy tried to open the door but failed only making a quiet thumping sound. The door still didn't open but the voices silenced. After one or two meows luckily the door was opened by Roman. Unfortunately Roman loved 'cuddles' – the bane of Remy's existence.

But he knew he had to put up with it to be fed. Roman was laughing and cradling him like a baby, still talking to Remus but sounding a lot happier and louder. That was a good thing – it meant everyone else would wake up and hopefully at least someone would feed him. Remus was sat on the floor opposite a mirror painting his face with a weird black powder. Remy tried to eat it once – it wasn't fun. He was sick in Logan's coffee cup and taken to the vet.

"I think he wants to be placed on a bed bro." Remus laughed, looking at struggling Remy through the mirror. Roman agreed and placed Remy on his bed, continuing to stroke the grey Persian even though all the cat wanted was to ingest some meat.

The door opened, making Remy burst into action and wrap himself around the adult's legs. "Boys... I know it's 11am but do you have to be so loud?" Virgil yawned, rubbing his eyes with a soft smile. The twins apologised, laughing at the infinity circle Remy was tracing around the floor. Virgil looked down at his cat and sighed. "Right – It's breakfast time."

Remy walked down the stairs with three members of his family. Virgil immediately got a fresh sachet out of the cupboards while he waited by his food bowl. The food was placed in the bowl, some kind of fish like salmon or tuna, along with a cat designed milk that Remy enjoyed. Virgil then went upstairs again, and slowly the entire house got louder and Remy knew he was in for a chaotic day.

"G'mornin Remy!" Emile screamed, picking Remy up and therefore dragging him away from the meal he had worked so hard to get. This made Remy grumble and hiss while Logan ran over and picked the smallest (and most annoying) child up. "Dad! Can't I play with Remy?" Emile squeaked with the high pitched voice that caused adrenaline to run through his veins. He liked the child when he wasn't so loud; a lot of the time Remy was asleep and the feeling of small hands on his back actually felt quite nice. Morning feeding was needed to be quiet though.

But after all the food was eaten and the bowl was licked clean Remy felt safe to join his family on the sofa. The rest of the house was there, Virgil and Logan were cuddled up together with Emile by his feet – Patton was also sat on the floor with an incredibly sugary chocolate cereal and the twins were on the other end of the sofa flinging cereal at each other. Logan was trying to stop them. But Logan was bad at disciplining his cat, let alone two chaotic teenage boys that he loved with his whole heart and more.

Remy crawled into a ball in the centre of the sofa, the exact same position and place he was when he woke up in the morning. And he'd probably stay in that position until lunch time when he'd be hungry again. After around half an hour he could smell cat treats in front of his nose which he sleepily swatted into his mouth. This was his heaven.

"Daad! Where's Beck?" Patton cheered and stood waking Remy up from his almost slumber. Emile ran off and giggled, disappearing for a few minutes. It was silence again for a few minutes but not long enough to sleep. Before Remy could slumber his final family member – a black fluffy cockapoo puppy – jumped into the room frantically barking and chasing Emile with a tugging toy in his hand.

That was one of the craziest things about his first owners. First a bunch of kids randomly appeared and were pestering him – Virgil and Logan didn't bother their cat that much apart from when Remy wanted to be fed or a warm lap to sleep on. Then, just as he realised these smaller and louder beings were here to stay, they decided to adopt this jumpy and loud puppy that followed them around everywhere, barked at everything, and chased Remy when he just wanted to sit and clean himself. The dog had to sleep in Logan's study as he was so chaotic.

Remy wouldn't trade it for anything else however, and not just because the family had an infinite supply of quality and expensive cat food. They were nice and warm and loved him – he hadn't experienced such love before being in a shelter as a kitten. He was happy to spend the rest of his years with these weirdos – as long as there was food.

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