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Logan and Virgil have a small discussion about kids in bed, while the Ray-Felizes continue their everyday life.

TW - Mention of alcohol abuse, insomnia and needles. There is also slight depressive habits. I try to keep it fluffy though.

If you have similar problems to the Ray-Feliz kids there is always the ability to get help. If you live in the UK Childline is always free (and I'm planning on volunteering there so if we end up speaking then hi I guess XD) - the number is 0800 1111.


Logan and Virgil still lay in bed together on Sunday afternoon, Virgil cuddled up against Logan's chest with Logan's arm around his shoulders. They watched TV together with Remy in a ball at the end of the bed. Virgil didn't have any work that day, the coffee shop was closed on Sundays and Virgil's boss had cancelled their meetings at the editing firm because their two kids had caught a fever. "It's good we don't have to deal with that." Virgil laughed telling Logan the reason he wasn't at work, watching his fingers slowly intertwine with Logan's and feeling his warmth. "I can't imagine you missing a day of work even for your own spawn."

"You know that's a falsehood." Logan murmured, his eyes also on the hand that held Virgil's. "Our – spawn – would be a mix of you and me. And you know I value anything to do with you more than the whole world." Logan leaned over and kissed Virgil's forehead, and Virgil smiled wide.

"So, it would be like if Remy's sick?" Virgil asked, nudging the mass of fur at the end of their bed which only grumbled half asleep as a response. "Is this your way of saying you want kids?" Virgil and Logan met eyes, their noses touching, and Logan thought for a moment of what to say.

"Well I think I do in the future. There's no need to work on it now, we're too young for all that, we have time." Virgil looked to the hand he held again, his mind in thought. This conversation was a new territory for both of them. These small moments staying in bed in their pyjamas until 2pm just chatting were already rare; having a small human would make them rarer – or maybe get rid of them completely. "I don't want it to plague your mind. There will be a time when it feels like you're ready for the next step, and even if that doesn't happen we could always foster as a kind of practice to see if it's right for us."

Virgil slowly nodded, closing his eyes and nuzzling into Logan's neck. "Why have you stayed late this week?" Virgil whispered kissing Logan's neck. "I missed you a lot."

"Just... work." Logan smiled at the kiss and leaned in closer to his husband. He didn't feel like explaining everything while in bed and cuddling. This was a moment to fully focus on his amazing husband and making him the happiest man in the world. Virgil nuzzled Logan's neck.

"I can't believe I'm saying this but couldn't it have been work you take home? Especially Thursday and Friday – they seemed so last minute." Virgil leaned on top of Logan and kissed him before letting him answer.

"I – I couldn't on Thursday and Friday. I had to be in school for it. It's a long story." Virgil raised his eyebrow and positioned himself slightly on top of Logan so he could easily face him.

"We have time."

Logan sighed and nuzzled Virgil again. "Well, there's these two sophomore students I really like. On Thursday I made a deal with one of them to take care of his little brother while he attended after school classes and on Friday I saw the other student's dress rehearsal." Virgil raised an eyebrow, possibly expecting Logan to say more, but he kissed him to signify the story was finished.

"So you were babysitting Sherlock?" Virgil giggled. "How old was this little brother then?"

"Oh, around five." Virgil laughed louder and held onto Logan tighter. "And yes, he was really cute. And yes, that's the reason I want kids with you in a few years."

"You... A fucking... babysitter!" Virgil choked on his laughter, falling off Logan's chest onto the bed beside him with his face becoming red. Logan must admit Virgil's laughter was an adorable sight. Logan just held his husband with all the love in the world not wanting this moment to end. "I would pay to see that! You probably taught that kid quadratics or something!" Logan rolled his eyes, quieting Virgil again with a long, passionate kiss. "Mph... So you're saying you actually didn't bore the kid if it made you want your own?" Logan nodded, kissing Virgil's forehead. Virgil smiled slightly and there was silence for a few minutes.

"Give me three more years of just you." Virgil whispered, stroking Logan's cheek. Logan nodded. "And if we go down the genetic route they better have your blue eyes. I love them." He giggled, allowing himself to be fully engulfed in Logan's heat and close his eyes.


"Is Mommy still sleeping?" Emile asked, looking up from his toy train set when his older brother, Roman, shut the door to his mother's bedroom. Roman only nodded, the smile appearing on his face after a short minute. "Can I wake her up to show her my train tracks?" Roman quickly shook his head and sat down with Emile.

"Mommy's still having her juice – you have to leave her be." Only Roman, Remus and Patton knew what exactly Mommy's juice was, but they wouldn't dare infect Emile with that knowledge at such a small age. Emile deserved the childhood his brothers managed to have before everything went downhill.

Remus walked over after inspecting the floor for needles. He sighed and sat next to his twin brother on the floor, utterly exhausted. Remus never enjoyed night-time, he just could never sleep and he didn't know a reason why. He leant on his brother's shoulder, yawned and closed his eyes for a few minutes. He took the chance to nap whenever possible, which was usually weekends.

"RO-BEE, RE-BOW!" Patton shouted from another room the childish nicknames he made up for his older brothers when he was in kindergarten. Remus jumped awake and rubbed his eyes. "WHAT'S CONDENSATION?"

"COME DO YOUR WORK HERE PAT!" Roman shouted to the room Patton's voice came from. He didn't have to worry about disturbing his mother with the shouting, she wouldn't pay any notice to what they were doing anyway. The only problem he had with shouting was his twin brother. "Take a nap upstairs Re-Re. You need it." He whispered, nudging his brother with his shoulder.

Remus shook his head. "Whenever I go to our bedroom I can't sleep." Remus yawned, still leaning on Roman's shoulder. "Something's wrong with me Ro – I feel like I'm going insane." Remus' voice was quiet so not to alarm his youngest brother playing beside them, but the words spoken still reached Roman clearly and they hurt. "I should ask Mr Crofters to appoint me to the school counsellor again since we know he'll take care of Em..." A yawn interrupted what he was saying. "I just need something."

"Well we don't know if the school counsellor would require payment for more than one session – and you definitely need more than one session." Roman immediately toughened up. Patton walked in asking for help with his science homework. "Maybe go get a snack or something. You didn't make yourself breakfast this morning."

"We don't have anything left. I'll take Emmy for a walk to the food bank at five..." Remus was obviously struggling to keep his eyes open as he spoke. Roman worked through the science homework with Patton. "I honestly think if we explain this to Mr Crofters he'll happily pay for my counselling sessions."

"You really want to be seen as this in high school Re? We can't risk our mother's 'absence' getting out and you know that." Roman snapped, drawing diagrams and teaching Patton from a scrap bit of his own science workbook. "I'll go to the food bank. Please just go upstairs and try to sleep."

"I think getting help is more important than your social standing drama queen." Remus scowled but stood wiping his eyes again. Roman rolled his eyes.

"It's not that. School's a nice escape – to pretend our family situation's the same as it was five years back." Roman looked up and smiled sadly at his twin brother. His voice went quieter as he spoke. "And you know what life would be like if we're taken from here. No sane foster carer or adopter would take four traumatised troubled mostly teenage boys."

"Please?" Was the only response Remus could give, his voice quaking as he looked at the floor. Roman sighed and nodded.

"We tell only Mr Crofters – he cannot tell anyone else."

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