Cat Dads

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Hi! If you've read this on my AO3 thanks for reading it here but it's the exact same (as some people said they can't figure out how to search things on AO3).

The pictures are slightly related but above is a picture of Remy as a cat.


Logan Crofters knew he always wanted to be a teacher. His earliest memories were forcing his mum and dad to sit on the wooden floor in front of his small blackboard while he taught them the alphabet or basic maths. It wasn't until college that that plan actually went into action.

It was his freshman year of college and he was pretty sure he wanted to major in maths. Because of his high grades everyone around him had pushed him to be 'more than a teacher' – so he settled with a maths major to become an economist or mathematical researcher in the future. Mathematics was always a passion anyway. He could remember walking around the library quietly like it was yesterday, getting textbooks he needed as well as a few interesting fiction books for his entertainment. He was mostly on autopilot until he saw a fellow student doing homework incorrectly and his instincts kicked in.

"Seventeen is a prime number. You did factorisation incorrect at some point, I can imagine at the second step." The student looked up once Logan made that remark, and the two of them finally met eyes. Logan immediately felt butterflies looking into the dark brown eyes in front of him, and he assumed the other student felt the same about his own dark blue eyes as a slight blush graced his cheeks. "I'm sorry that was rude of me..." Logan eventually managed to mumble, feeling as though the boy in front of him dressed in dark clothing with bright purple hair was taking the voice out of him. He cleared his throat and was about to continue to examine the shelves when the other boy finally spoke.

"Please help me." He whispered, turning back to the book in front of him and pointing at a set of questions. "I hated my maths teacher in high school... And I guess this is my payback." Logan smiled slightly and sat next to him placing his bag on the floor and books on the table. "I'm Virgil Black by the way – you?"

And that was the reason Logan changed his major to education – and how he got his husband. Just seeing Virgil's eyes light up when he got a question correct made him want to give several students the opportunity to have that experience in the future, as well as making Logan fall more and more in love with Virgil. He heard from Virgil and others he knew about all the bad teachers in their lives and wanted to make a change. In regards to his relationship with Virgil, they had dated for three years, he proposed as soon as they both graduated college, and they had been married for another three. It was heaven.

Logan parked in the driveway of his and Virgil's two bedroom house and walked in. "Honey I'm back!" He shouted, entering the living room where Virgil sat watching TV with their cat, Remy, sprawled across his lap fast asleep. It had just been Virgil, Logan and their cat son since they married and they didn't mind it. The spare bedroom was only used when family visited – and was needed for that as although the pair lived in Florida, Logan's family originally lived in the UK. Logan walked over and stroked Remy's fluffy head while kissing Virgil's cheek.

"How was work?" Virgil asked, pausing his TV programme while Logan leant on his shoulder. Logan only shrugged.

"I hate teaching factorial theorem..." Logan nuzzled Virgil's neck. Virgil giggled. While Virgil worked two jobs, a barista and an editor for the local newspaper, he had said several times he would not ever willingly go back to high school and on some days he even complains about having to talk to teenagers in the coffee shop. He'd always say it was a miracle how Logan did it without wanting to go straight to bed afterwards, especially since he was a maths teacher and no kid was ever actually interested in maths – or if they had they'd been a bore to talk to – a statement Logan took slight jokingly offense to when it first came out of Virgil's mouth. That's probably why kids hadn't been a priority for the couple, they were happy being Cat Dads.

Remy pounced off Virgil's lap and made his way towards the kitchen. "Oh – looks like Remy wants his Dad to feed him." Virgil laughed while they both watched Remy jump on a counter in the kitchen and stare at the pair of them angrily.

"Maybe he's a Pap's boy?" Logan also laughed while looking up at Virgil. The two of them had pretty much adopted Dad names for themselves as soon as they brought Remy home. Virgil rolled his eyes and didn't move.

"I got the new tins this morning, it's your turn Sherlock."

Logan sighed and stood again, giving Virgil one last kiss before approaching their fluffy fat son for probably his fifth meal of the day. Remy brushed his head against Logan's leg causing grey fur to get all over his suit trousers. Once the food was placed on the floor Remy ate without even a purr as a thank you.

"Well, I'm going to the study to mark some homework before Remy steals the desk chair." Logan smiled, walking across the living room to the small attached room that he believed used to be a children's play room but was quickly changed into a study once the couple moved in.

"When's this homework due Lo?" Virgil pouted, now lying on the sofa covered by a blanket.

"The Monday after next week – I want to get it done early." Virgil sighed in a laugh and rolled his eyes. Logan had an awful habit of doing work due for months in the future, so two weeks wasn't as bad as it could be but Virgil still had an adequate reason to stop him from doing it.

"Can you leave it for tonight? Nightmare Before Christmas is playing in twenty minutes and it's the best day to watch it as it's exactly the midpoint between Halloween and Christmas. Please?" Virgil pouted harder and gave his best impression of puppy eyes, and Logan already knew he couldn't say no.

"Alright..." Logan sat down and brought an arm around Virgil who snuggled in and shared the blanket. "But tomorrow I have to mark that homework and create the exam for my seniors next semester."

"We already know you aren't though." Virgil said simply with a smirk as they waited for the movie Virgil was watching previously to finish and Nightmare Before Christmas to begin. And Virgil was correct. Tomorrow night Logan would start work on the homework but be disrupted when Virgil returned from his editorial job and he'd want cuddles. They both knew their days were like clockwork, and in no way did they even think of changing that soon. Remy was enough of a spoilt brat as it is.

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