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None of the artwork is mine but above is how I imagine eighth grader Patton to look.

TW - One swear word at the beginning and mention of mental health issues from a third person perspective (so no actual negative thoughts - just mention of a character actually having them)


"Wake up sleepyhead." A kiss came on Logan's forehead as a beeping alarm sounded next to his ear. Logan's eyes opened to his husband dressed in his barista uniform, brushing his purple hair away from his face with a smirk on his face. Virgil must have had an early shift at the coffee shop. Logan stretched and got showered and dressed, once he got in his suit Virgil was making Logan's lunch for him.

"You don't have to do that every morning." Logan yawned, doing his tie as he went downstairs. "I'm not a kid." Virgil smirked and kissed his cheek, sipping his coffee slightly to wake up.

"I wouldn't mind making only you lunches every day until we die." Virgil whispered, making sure his bag was packed. After his barista job Virgil had a meeting with his editorial company for a few hours that would likely last until the early evening. "Don't work too hard darling."

"Can't promise that." Logan laughed as he turned on his laptop. He always liked to check his emails in the morning before going to the school so that he knew of any early morning meetings to attend. Once he saw his most recent email he let out a long sigh – today was going to be a long day. Virgil looked over attentively after the sigh and also looked at the email. "I'm covering eighth grade maths period one... Fucking middle schoolers." Virgil laughed and wished Logan luck before going to work. Logan let out a large sigh again before grabbing a short breakfast and getting to work as well.


"Today is Tuesday, December the first." Logan said, writing the date on the board and underlining it. "Make sure the date is written so I know how much work you did." Logan had already written and said the date twice, but hardly any of the kids had their books open at that point let alone paying attention.

"It's almost Christmas!" A random child screamed, causing laughter to erupt across the classroom. Logan took a deep breath. This hour must have seemed a little like a field trip for them, as the middle school was next to the high school so rarely a few middle school classes were taught in high school classrooms by high school teachers if their original teacher wasn't present. There was a reason Logan wasn't a middle school teacher.

"Yes it is, and Christmas will come quicker if you do these negatives and positives worksheets." Logan handed out all the worksheets, deciding getting these children to write the date was a lost cause. Once the work was handed out a few more started their work, but Logan's main priority had to be behaviour control. Unfortunately though, Logan was regarded as a good teacher so wasn't given some easy independent work to hand out – it was quite complex for their age group working on negative multiplication and division. He knew some kids needed help amongst this mess.

"Mr Crofters Sir!" A hand appeared in the crowd from a small kid in the second row. Logan immediately paused while his brain registered the kid. Logan had never taught this specific maths class before, and the middle school was quite large so seeing the same child more than once before they entered high school was a rarity – but this child looked similar. Curly blond hair, large glasses, endless enthusiasm, he seemed recognisable. "How do you do question four?"

Logan nodded and worked through question four on the board. The boy enthusiastically thanked him once he understood and continued his work. Meanwhile Logan checked the register to find this mysterious kid's name: Patton Ray-Feliz. He recognised the surname from somewhere but he had so many students he couldn't remember who – and it could have even been a student who graduated from the school or moved. "Patton – who's your sibling?" Logan said to he thought only himself. Patton raised his head and chirped up.

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