First Day in the New House

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Roman, Patton, Remus and Emile move into Logan and Virgil's house - and even though the Crofters couple are unprepared, they deal with it well.

No trigger warnings this is just cuteness - I think (I also love the living room above)


Virgil and Logan made their way home eventually with the kids they were caring for. Logan could fit the kids and himself in the car but not Virgil, so while Logan took the kids to his and Virgil's house – calming them down and answering any questions they had – Virgil made his way home in his own car, stopping at the local mall for things they needed while taking care of four minors. The boys had absolutely nothing. When the police looked around their house they found all the clothes and toys taken, as well as class books they didn't bring to school that day. So Virgil charged himself with the shopping trip, guessing what kind of clothes the kids like by what the kids wore on their backs.

Remus was probably one of the easiest for Virgil to shop for as their styles were quite similar – dark and Gothic, with a mix of punk. Unfortunately they weren't the same clothing size otherwise they could share clothes. But there was a lot of leather jackets and spiked clothing for Remus – and some extra accessories for Virgil himself.

Roman dressed a lot more grandeur, with lots of red and gold. Roman mentioned he usually made his own clothing or modified clothing he bought, so Virgil focused mainly on simple clothing that could be designed to Roman's specific tastes. So just a lot of basic red hoodies, white t-shirts and plain jeans. And anything with a royal design had to be bought according to Roman.

Patton and Emile dressed weirdly similarly seeming their age difference. Patton stuck to baby/light blue and Emile light pink and creams. But Virgil must admit he got carried away buying cute children's clothes for the little five year old he'd be taking care of. He also needed to buy a car seat and toys for the little one. He found the large shop relatively relaxing to calm his nerves, he had ran out of his barista job once he heard Logan was at the police station so this shop was really the first time he could relax. And no-one disturbed his listening to his music until he reached the checkout counter.

"This sure is a big shop!" The cashier smiled, way too cheery for anyone in retail, must have just started the job. "How old are your kids?"

"Uh... Fifteen, fourteen and five." This was not a time to explain his teacher husband had gotten way too attached to a few students so became a parent figure for them without much consent from his husband. The cashier raised an eyebrow, either spotting Virgil's youthfulness or rainbow pin. Virgil had an awful habit of looking like a teenager himself, especially when in the barista uniform he was currently still wearing. "They're adopted. I'm gay." He said quickly before any more questions were asked, he packed his things away and went back home.


"Right – we'll get straight to the business of this situation." Logan proclaimed while he faced the boys he was taking care of walking into the living room of his house. "I only have one actual spare bedroom, and then there's a sofa here and in the study. You need to decide rooms between you and who shares the actual spare bedroom that has two beds."

"Ugh – even when Mr Crofters is home he sounds like a teacher." Remus sighed, rolling his eyes and then chuckling while collapsing on the sofa. Emile still held Roman's hand as he looked around.

"Mr C – That room's Patton's!" Emile looked up at Logan confused, pointing at Logan's study. Logan was also confused until he realised all the houses in the cul-de-sac held the exact same design. All the houses were technically three bedrooms, apart from the smaller bedroom on the first floor became a study for the childless couple that Logan and Virgil were. Remembering that made Logan slightly sad, it meant that one or even two of the boys didn't have a bedroom before coming here – and Logan wasn't helping that.

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