One Shot 8 - Patton's First Crush

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Patton meets a kid new to Sanders Academy High, and realises love isn't as simple as fairytales said.


"Jammy dodger!" Patton heard a shout across the corridor, causing him to turn his head and laugh. His friendship group was calling him over by the nickname they created – his surname was Crofters, crofters was a brand of jam, therefore he was 'jammy dodger'. It was nice to have such a tight friendship group, they were all in cooking class together so had common interests and Patton didn't know what he'd do without his friends.

His friends were sitting in their homeroom, Mr Golding's class. It was summer term, the weather was a perfect temperature. Patton wore a simple flannel button up with cuffed jeans and white trainers, his curly hair straightened as he often saw his Paps do. He said goodbye to his older brothers and gave them both a hug, the end of junior year was dawning on them and they were stressed about what post-high school programme to choose. Patton knew they needed all the love they could get, and he was happy to give it.

Patton sat with his close friends, they were discussing what to bake in cooking class for a history teacher's birthday coming up (and Mr Crofters' birthday in a few weeks, although they were sure Patton was already planning an entire meal – which he was). He was helping with the conversation by suggesting decorations, he was best at decorating food and making it look aesthetically pleasing. One of Patton's friends had brought lollipops to class and was giving them out; Patton happily took a strawberry one and started sucking on it waiting for Mr Golding to bother speaking up.

"This is class 4A!" Patton heard his best friend, Jahmil, cheer as he walked into the classroom. Patton had known Jahmil forever, and that wasn't even an exaggeration. They either met the first day of kindergarten or the infant summer camp in pre-school and constantly bickered over which it was. The sound of Jahmil's voice caused Patton to turn quickly, and then pause his thoughts.

A few steps behind Jahmil was a student Patton didn't know, and he knew everyone, shyly walking into the classroom and looking around. The new person wore a simple oversized shirt and sweatpants combo – but the fashion sense didn't explain why Patton felt the need to stare. Maybe it was the wavy, shoulder length black hair that looked so shiny and touchable, or maybe the chocolate brown eyes examining the room, or the birthmark just below the person's ear – a slight darker colour to their olive skin tone. Usually with new people Patton felt the intense need to introduce himself and strike a conversation, especially if they looked as stressed as this person was, but this time he was stuck on his seat and just... staring.

"And lastly, this is Patton Crofters." Patton was brought into reality hearing Jahmil saying his name, trying to form a sweet smile and wave like he usually does. The new person gave a small smile and two finger salute. Such a unique movement, maybe that's why Patton was staring – this person was unique. Jahmil turned to the new person. "Do you want to introduce yourself or..."

The new person bit their lip and looked down, a slight redness on their cheeks as they took a deep breath. Patton felt sorry for them, shyness was so embarrassing. "What's your name?" Patton chirped quickly, his true smile coming back while the person flinched and their eyes widened.

"Po-uh-no-Max... Sorry." The person said, their face becoming redder by the second. They eventually took a deep breath and spoke again. "Max Kohen, yeah. That's me." Max laughed awkwardly, the giggle causing Patton to giggle too without much thought. Max then looked at Patton again, as if expecting another question.

"Um... Just a formality for everyone, but what are your pronouns?"

"He/him." Max said quickly, avoiding everyone's eyes except for Patton as if he was being interrogated. Patton tried to calm him with a small smile and offered a nearby chair. Max sat, took an apple lollipop from the desk the group were crowded around, and then kept his eyes on the table spotting all the rainbow and other pride flags. Everyone around the group, apart from Patton, began to talk amongst themselves. Patton wanted to make sure Max was fully settled before beginning a conversation. "Oh... I found the gays."

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