Well, he was distant from everyone except his twin brother.

"Mr Crofters?" Remus' twin, Roman, almost screamed while stretching his hand up as far as he could reach it. He didn't mind that his teacher was mid-sentence, the question seemed urgent to him. Logan looked over with a small smile. "Are you going to watch the dress rehearsal of Twelfth Night this Friday?" Logan couldn't help but sigh under his breath. Roman always managed to ask an off-topic question each lesson. The Twelfth Night performance was of recent interest, since the entire school knew Mr Crofters and Mr Jackson were 'besties'. At first it was whether he knew what the performance was before the script was announced, then if he knew who got which parts, and now it was apparently if he was attending rehearsals. It made sense for Roman to have an interest – he was it all the drama and theatre clubs and classes and to be honest he was good for a sophomore. Logan didn't know who got which role of the play, but he honestly wouldn't be surprised if Roman got a senior role.

"Only family are allowed to see the dress rehearsal Roman - along with Mr Jackson and other members of staff in the drama department." Logan said, making the class quiet before he began explaining the maths work again. When he turned from the whiteboard saw Roman again, Roman's mind had obviously drifted. The face that was usually covered by a wide smile instead held a frown as Roman looked at the worksheet in front of him and twirled his finger in his hair. When Logan set the class to do the textbook work Roman didn't move or acknowledge the change in activity. A few members of the class had realised Logan was looking sympathetically at Roman and tried to ask if Roman was alright or cheer him up without a response. "Uh... I'll strike a deal with you Roman." Logan smiled a little as Roman finally looked up. "You complete all the questions in page forty three by lunch and I'll see what I can do about going to the dress rehearsal."

Logan could swear he saw Roman's eyes glow at that deal. "Really Sir?" Roman smiled wide again and leaned forward. Logan nodded, the questions were relatively simple and could be done correctly before the end of the lesson if Roman had been listening to what Logan was saying. "Does it have to be correct?"

"Of course Roman." Logan sat at his desk while Roman immediately looked to his work and worked more focused than Logan had ever seen him before. Even when Remus and other students were pulling jokes Roman kept his head down and worked.

The lunch bell rang just as Roman dropped his pen to signal that he finished the activity. He looked at Logan like a dog who'd just done a trick as the students around him left to eat in the canteen. Logan walked over and kneeled opposite him to inspect. There were correct answers, those were usually near the beginning where the questions were easier. It was just the last three questions that were disastrously incorrect. He could see Roman's face drop as he looked at those questions. "It's wrong isn't it?" Logan nodded silently. "Oh – thanks for the offer to come see me anyway Sir." Roman was about to grab his book before Logan spoke.

"Can you stay for a few minutes so I can explain where you went wrong?" Roman nodded slowly and Logan sat opposite to explain the questions. It only took a few minutes for him to understand and do it correct and be let go to lunch. "See you Friday Roman."

Roman's eyes glowed again happily. His smile became the biggest Logan had ever seen. "Thank you Sir!" Roman shouted, waving his teacher goodbye and running out the classroom.

While Roman ran down the corridor, Janus walked into Logan's classroom. Janus and Logan often ate lunch together unless one of them had a club or detention to attend to. Janus raised an eyebrow and smirked. "I swear you'll sacrifice your last day for your stupid maths lessons." He sat with his lunch as Logan got his packed lunch out his bag that Virgil made him.

"I made a deal with Roman." Logan got straight to the point, he didn't see a point in jumping around the subject. Janus raised his eyebrow again.

"Is it legal bud?" Janus sniggered and Logan gasped and scowled.

"Of course it is! I just made a deal with Roman that I'll see the dress rehearsal this Friday and watch it. Can I do that?"

"Don't see why not." Janus shrugged. "I'll just sign you up to the theatre staff. You don't have to do anything for it – I'll sign you up as a performance counsellor or something since I think there isn't a kid in this school who doesn't like you." Logan and Janus both laughed. The only obstacle to watch the school play – which honestly wasn't really an obstacle – was Virgil.


Logan was making dinner when Virgil came home. Virgil kissed Logan's cheek and hugged him from behind, staying there for a few minutes. "How was work?" Logan said cheerily, making sure no Remy blocked his feet and he and Virgil walked to another counter. Virgil mumbled before speaking.

"People... Speaking is difficult." He mumbled, smiling. "You fed Remy?"

"You think Remy would let me forget?" Logan laughed pointing to their fluffy grey Persian cat who was sat in the middle of the dining table fast asleep with his tail shaking as if he disapproved being talked about while asleep. "You just sit down and close your eyes, I'll make you some tea." Logan paused cooking to turn on the kettle. Virgil let go of Logan's waist and yawned, nuzzling into the crook of his neck for a moment.

"I love you so much my nerd."

Virgil and Logan then sat at the dining table with Remy sleeping between them. It was silence as they liked it, until Logan remembered what he was doing at the end of the week. "I'm staying late on Friday by the way."

"Friday?" Virgil moaned after he swallowed a piece of fish. "Lo I thought we agreed your 'day with no taking work home' would be Friday so we could cuddle." Virgil's voice seemed almost pleading, he knew how Logan could easily fall into the habit of overworking and Virgil tried his best to help him.

"We'll change it to Saturday, you have the less hours then so you can have more cuddles. I promised a student and I really want to gain rapport with him." Virgil sighed and looked in thought for a minute.

"Fine. If you dare pick up a pen on Saturday I'm punishing you." Virgil laughed and reached over to hold Logan's hand. Logan rubbed the hand against his cheek but then thought of a very Janus-esque response.

"How so will you punish me? Shall I get the bed ready?" Logan smirked and gave a wink which predictably made Virgil as red as a tomato. He just playfully scowled and continued eating.

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