Logan's classes

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Logan is the maths teacher I want to be in the future he's so chill and accepting.

TW - There's a little bit of swearing (it's Janus talking what do you expect), also mention of being AFAB and wearing a binder. But apart from that Logan's a good teacher, good friend and a good husband.


It was quiet when Logan started his day at work. He often liked arriving before the students, because of the quiet but because he could also get some work done without Virgil or Remy wanting attention. He let out a quiet yawn as he walked into his classroom, corrected the date on the whiteboard and logged onto his computer with his staff account. He thought he was completely alone until he heard a familiar knock. "Fu... Logan it's not even 7am what are you doing here?" Logan's work friend, Janus Jackson, said as he walked in. Janus was an English teacher, part of the drama department, and fellow book nerd friend of Logan. He would even say Janus was his best friend but that was a role specifically for his husband – but Janus was pretty close.

"I want to get this test done for next semester – there are a few seniors who really need to up their GPA." Logan said clearly, no specific emotion in what he was saying as he was focusing on sorting out textbooks and worksheets ready for his first period class. "Why are you here early Janus?"

"Left my Jekyll and Hyde book in my classroom and came to retrieve it and then nap until eight." Janus said in the same emotionless voice helping Logan sort through the paperwork anyway and placing textbooks on the desks. "I really thought you'd be still fucking your husband at this hour."

"You say that every morning Jan." Logan tried to suppress a laugh as he rolled his eyes. Janus only shrugged and mumbled something under his breath while Logan thought of a comeback. "I thought you'd be finding a husband to fuck at this hour."

Janus glared with an unamused face but then started to laugh. Logan wasn't known for swearing that often, especially in front of students, but it seemed to become an essential part of his vocabulary when talking to Janus. With the help of Janus soon his classroom was ready, his PowerPoints were all open on his computer, workbooks were on every desk or organised neatly on Logan's desk, and practice activities a plenty were scribbled on the whiteboard. Janus let out a large yawn and sat on one of the student tables while Logan sat by his desk and double checked his PowerPoints. "Ooh! You want to hear some tea?" Janus giggled and Logan nodded absentmindedly. "You know our school performance is Twelfth Night?" Logan nodded again, Janus absolutely loved when he got to direct the school performances – although he usually preferred 'classic drama' like Shakespeare to singing and dancing musicals. "I offered the person playing Viola to wear a binder while Viola disguises as a man and offered them to wear it around school – turns out they really like it and are exploring their gender identity!"

"What's their name? I'll add them to my notes so if I teach them I can ask their preferred pronouns and name..." Logan dragged his focus away from his first period PowerPoint to his document of students who had changed their names and pronouns while attending the school so he could make changes to the register when he needed to. Janus gave the name of the AFAB person and continued chatting about the school play until classes begun, and both needed to teach.


It was fourth period, just before lunchtime, and Logan had a sophomore class. Luckily this was a good class, and the class being just before lunchtime meant the kids were low on energy and just wanted the hour to go so they could refill their hunger and social need again. The class would be his favourite if there wasn't two specific students. "Remus you can make your – catapult – contraption at lunchtime." Logan raised his voice slightly at the small schoolboy in the back of the class throwing blu tack at other students. "Let's focus on quadratic graphing right?" Remus mumbled and put his head on his desk, twirling his pencil in his hands. It was a shame; Logan had offered Remus every piece of help he could think of to get him to focus but nothing worked. He just couldn't attend after school classes, he didn't give a reason why, but Remus just had a habit of distancing himself from all students and staff without an explanation.

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