25 || third of december

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Winter 2007

FINCH STOOD in the living room of her home, a cup of apple cider in her hands, a smile planted on her face, as she talked happily with the guests around her. She wore a large red and green christmas sweater with stupid christmas tokens on it and blue jeans. Her brother stood besides her, arm tossed over her shoulders.

Their mother stood at the winning table, a cookie platter on her hands. Her black hair was pulled back in a long ponytail and dark eyes sparkling as she talked happily with her sister and friends. Christmas was a big thing for the Fletcher family, they celebrated the holiday the whole month -- well until New Years week.

Their parties were always the talk of the neighborhood, everyone came and everyone enjoyed it. The food was always the best, the music was the cheeriest, and the decorations they were the most speldid. Alanah Fletcher was the person everyone came to when they wanted to plan a party, she was the best one in Mystic Falls and the surrounding areas and her work was worth the title.

Finch sipped her apple cider, bidding a goodbye to the guest she was chatting with and made her way into the dining room where her mother was. Alanah smiled as her daughter entered the room,

"Ah, mi pajaro!" She exclaimed, placing two kisses on her daughter's cheeks

Finch smiles happily, "Mamá!" She laughed,

"Come, mija, we have cookies! Tu favorita!" She exclaimed, holding the cookie tray out to her

Cookie crinkles were upon the tray and Finch immediately took one off of it, "Gracias, mamá." She smiled, biting itno the fudgey cookie, powder sugar falling onto her sweater, "Oh, crap!" She exclaimed, "This is Owen's!"

Setting her cider down she used her free hand to wipe the white powder off her sweater, "Oh, please," A voice said in her ear, startling her, "It looks better on you than it does me. Keep it."

Finch swatted at his shoulder, "Don't sneak up on me!" She exclaimed, laughing slightly

Owen grins, picking a cookie off the tray and placing a kiss to Finch and Alanah's cheeks, before biting into the cookie, "Great party, Lana. The food -- better then ever." He complimented

The older woman rolls her eyes, "You and your flattery, Owen." Her Hispanic accent was light as she spoke, setting the tray down,

"Well, it's all to butter you up so I can ask a you something."

"Oh?" She spoke, "And what would that be?"

"If I could be Finch's escort to the Christmas Dance at the town hall." He states, making Finch choke on her drink in suprise

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