8 || I don't know, ya know?

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A PAINTBRUSH was clutched tightly in her hands as she stared at the blank canvas in front of her, he was right -- she was afraid of painting again because her hands still shook with every movement she made with paintbrush or pencil. She sighed, throwing it down as she ran a hand down her face.

She wanted to paint, it was a strong passion of hers but she was too afraid to even begin to try. Finch pushed herself off of the chair she was sitting on, and fell backwards onto her bed, tiredly rubbing her eyes before she threw an arm over over her eyes. She wanted to sleep for the next several months and be completely and totally unbothered.

A soft sigh left her lips as she tried to adjust herself to sleep, kicking off her shoes as they clattered to the ground. She curled her legs into her stomach, putting herslef in the fetal position as she rolled onto her side. These few days had been far too stressful for the young witch -- making her brain overthink to the point of pure exhaustion.

Finch squeezed her eyes shut and pulled her pillow over her head as she groaned loudly.

"How are we gonna do this?"

She groaned again, refusing to sit up as she looked over her shoulder at Damon, who was lying on the other side of her bed

"Do what?" She scoffed, "Ignore each other?"

"No, Finch." Damon says, grabbing her shoulder, forcing her to roll over, "How are we gonna be us?"

Finch sits up, another scoff falling from her lips, "Oh, so there is an us? I was confused there for a second." She snaps sarcastically with a roll of her eyes

"Fin -- "

"You ignored me all day. You told me i was the 'one you loved' and practically sucked my face --then got close and personal with Elena." She huffs, "Oh, yeah! And continued to ignore me."

"I didn't know what else to do, Sour Patch -- " "Don't call me that." " -- I don't how to do this. That's why I asked how we should do this."

"Well I'm not gonna do it if you're only in it 'til the better option comes along."

"That's not what this is!" He argued, sitting up wuth her

"Really? 'Cause that's what this feels like!" She shouted, pulling her knees to her chest and burying her head in them, "I had a really bad day today." She mumbles, "And I don't feel like doing this right now, okay?"

Damon sits up, his eyes on her tired form, "Finch?" He says softly, placing his hand on her lower back

"Can you leave, please?" She asks, her eyes closed, "I wanna be alone."

POMPEII² [ completed ]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora