18 || elijah

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"LET GO!" The witch snapped, pulling against Trevor's hold on her restraints, his nerves messing with her own

Blood coated the side of her face and a considerable amount of her hair. Her lip was split open and multiple bruises and cuts littered her arms and the small part of her chest that was exposed. Her eyes kept going from red to brown like a flickering light; her mother's cross was coated in her blood, constantly moving so it burned different parts of her chest.

A rosary was tied around her neck, and Trevor had looped a rope soaked in holy water around her arms, casting ugly burns across them.

Trevor ignored her, pushing open the doors to where they held Elena, "He's here! This was a mistake." He exclaimed

Finch sighed in relief, "Elena -- " She went to move towards the girl, but Trevor's hold on her chain stopped her

"No, I told you I would get us out of this. You have to trust me." Rose spoke, trying to assure her friend

"No! He wants me dead, Rose!"

"He wants them more." The female vampire argues

"I can't do this. You give them to him, he'll have mercy on you but I need to get out of here." Trevor said nervously, on the verge of running

Rose grabs him, "Hey! What are we?"

Trevor drops his hold on Finch's chain and she quickly moves to Elena, "We're family, forever."

A loud knock sounds from the door maming Finch jump. Elena looks to her before looking to Rose and Trevor, "You're scared."

"Stay here with her and don't make a sound."

Elena watches as Rose leaves and she quickly turns to Finch. The human unravels the rope from her arms and throws it to the ground,

"Are you okay?" She asks, holding her friends arms, tears in her eyes, "I -- I heard you, I wanted to help but -- "

"Hey, hey, hey." Finch said, grabbing Elena's face in her hands, "You couldn't have done anything anyway, Lena." She said, pushing her brown hair out of the girls face, "Its okay. I'm gonna be fine, Elena, I promise."

"What did they do to you?" She asks, tears slipping past her cheeks

"Nothing I won't recover from," Finch tried to assure her, "I'm okay, I'm okay."

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