42 || break my heart, it's okay

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FINCH SITS on her bed, her mother's cross held tightly in her hands. When she had gotten home, both of her brothers sat on the couch, looking at her worriedly. She muttered a tired excuse and hurried to her room, locking the door behind her. Her mind was clouded with saddened thoughts, her broken heart visible through her ribs.

She didn't need to look up to know who was now in the room with her. Finch knew that he would keep his word, he owed her at least that. She sniffs, slowly bringing the chain of the cross around her neck and let the cross hang as she slowly looked up.

Tears stained her cheeks and her mascara was smudged and she looked at him. Damon immediately felt sick, the look on her face made him drown in guilt and heartbreak. He did love Finch, God, did he love her─ but there was something about Elena, something that connected him to his humanity, to his past.

Of course Finch understood that, she wasn't an idiot─ Damon had been in love with Katherine before all this, she was his first love and she couldn't change that. Elena looked like his first love and she looked like his old friend, she couldn't compare to that.

Finch knew that Damon loved her, that a part of him loved her so much, but she also knew that his heart was still with another. She can't force him to love her, she can't force him to choose her, she couldn't make him stay with her─ that wouldn't be fair to either of them.

Slowly, she smiled and patted the bed besides her, "Sit next to me." She said softly

Damon nodded, listening to her instructions as he gently sat besides her, hands folding in his lap as he stared down at them, too disgusted with himself to look at her.

"I'm not mad." She admits to him, reaching out and taking his hand, making him look at ger with teary and guilty eyes, "I understand, Damon."

"I didn't want to hurt─ I never wanted to hurt you." He urged, begging her to understand

Her smile was small and weak as she softly caressed his cheek, "Baby, I know. I know you love you, but I know you love her too."

Damon's heart broke and he hung his head, he didn't have it in himself to look her in the eye anymore, he was too ashamed. And she was too understanding. Damon wanted her to yell, to scream, to cry and hit him, but she just smiled her watery smile and lightky stroked his cheek.

"Dames, look at me," She said, both hands clasping his cheeks and making him look at her, "I knew weren't gonna last very long." She admits

Damon frowns, but she doesn't let him speak, "You and I, we're a lot alike, we both have been through hell, and I totally forgive you and I totally understand why. She keeps you connected to your humanity─ she's like a part of your old life. And it while it hurts, so much, I don't hate you for falling in love with Elena." She sniffles, laughing slightly, "I don't blame you, she's kind of amazing."

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