34 || trying to dine and dash once more

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FINCH, WHO is nicely dressed, sits in the library with Damon and Alaric, eyes narrowed at her boyfriend in annoyance. She shares a look of exsasperation with Alaric as she snatches a glass off the liquor cart, pouring herself a shot of burbon.

"This is a bad idea." Alaric remarks

"There's no such thing as a bad idea. Just poorly executed awesome ones." The vampire responds

Finch snorts, "I bet that's what your parents called you."

He glares at her and hands a drink to Alaric, "Here." The teacher shakes his head, refusing it

"No. I don't like the idea of Elijah being in the same house with Jenna."

Damon sighs, "Jenna's perfectly safe. Besides, it's just a fact-finding mission. It's totally harmless."

"It involves you. It's not harmless." Finch stares, quickly downing the rest of her drink with a cringe

Alaric nods in agreement, "Just a fact-finding mission?"


"Listen, no sneak attacks. No surprise plans. Nothing that's gonna put Jenna or Finch in harm's way. Okay?" The man instructs, making Finch look at him in surprise

Damon nods, "Scout's honor."

Andie, who Finch wasn't comfortable with, walked in with a smile, "Hey, Jenna needs help with the wine." She looks at Finch, "Are you drinking?"

The teen sighs, "Not yet." She replies, following Alaric out of the room

Finch nudges his shoulders, "What was that about?" She asks

"What do you mean?"

Putting on her best Alaric face and imitates his voice, " 'Nothing that's gonna put Jenna or Finch in harm's way'." She repeats, "I can handle my own."

"You've barely let your body heal." He replies

"You're worrying too much, Ric. I'm okay." She smiled

"There's something else wrong with you." The man states, taking Finch off guard, "Something you won't talk about."

"I -- I don't know what you mean." Finch lies, brows furrowing

"Yeah, you do. You're just not saying anything." Alaric sighs, "You forget that you can talk to me, Finch."

With those words he walks away, leaving a very conflicted Finch behind. She frowns, eyes drifting to her shoes as she thought over his words. The doorbell rang and Finch broke out of her daze, moving to open it.

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