9 || one call away

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FINCH IS sitting with her knees pulled up to her chest next to her brother, a smally smile playing on her lips as she watched Damon try and fail to play Pictionary with the rest of Jenna and Elena's guests as they lounged around the living room.

"Dress! Ballerina!" Jenna shouted

"Puppy! Puppy with a tutu!" Caroline exclaimed

Damon shook his head, "No, no."

"A dog! Hound-dog!" Fawkes spoke up

" 'Dances with Wolves'." Mason and Finch spoke in sync, sharing a look

"Mason wins...again." Damon said

"Hey, I'm pretty sure I said it too, jerk." Finch exclaimed, tossing a marker at the vampire

Jenna ignores Finch's statement as she speaks, tilting her head, "How is that a wolf?"

The warlock in the room lets out a loud guffaw quickly covering his mouth as his sister lets out a snicker earning a glare from Damon. She smiles brightly, standing up and heading towards the kitchen with Elena.

The two are in the kitchen, the witch sat at the kitchen island, a bowl of chips in front of her as Elena opened the freezer, looking for the pie, "So," The doppelganger began, "Why are you so pep -- "

"Elena, if you call me peppy I'll hex you." She warned as she tossed a chip into her mouth

"Fine, so.. Happy. Why are you so happy, lately?" Elena asks, pulling the pie from the freezer onto the counter across from Finch

"I dunno," She shrugged, "I've been feeling alive more, I guess, Elen -- "

"Are you getting laid?"

Finch inhaled her chip, accidently causing herself to choke as she began to hack aggresively, her fist slamming into her chest. Elena had certainly caught her friend off guard as she watched her friend try to regain her composure,

"Uh, no, Elena, I am not getting laid!"

The girl gasped, grinnly wildly, "You are getting laid!"

"No! No, I'm not!" She exclaimed, looking over her shoulder, "Stop being so loud!"

Elena continued to grin, "So who's got you in the sack?"

"Nobody. Just knock it off."

"Is it one of those Ethan boy's?" The doppelganger pried

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