10 || woah, okay then

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HER NIGHT was cut short by a call from her brother, saying that he needed her to come home immediately and it was urgent. So sadly, Damon was forced to take her home -- seeing as he could tell her weird twin and witch bond with her brother was throwing her off of her usual normality.

As Finch passed through the threshold of her house, calling out her brother, she felt the atmosphere around her change and become still and tense. She turned, wandering into the living where four people sat, each with grim and stern faces.

"Fawkes?" She speaks, her brows furrowed as she scans over the three Ethan children and her twin, "Guys, what's going on?"

"Fin, there's something you should know." Virgo speaks, fiddling with the sleeves of his lavender colored hoodie, "But you might want to sit down."

She pauses, likcing her lips before she walked over to her brother whose face was pale as she sat down, lacing her hand through his as she tossed her jacket down next to her,

"What's wrong?"

Gemini takes a deep breath and closed his eyes briefly, "We know what you are and what your friends are."

The witch's eyes blew wide and her breath caught in her throat, quickly tightening her grip on her brother's hand before releasing it as Gemini spoke again,

"But we aren't going to to hurt you or your friends. Because..." He pauses, looking to his brothers for help

Virgo picks up his brothers train of thought, "We're supernatural beings as well."

Fawkes pulls his hand from his sister's, running his hands down his face as he tries to understand what was happening before he stood up, moving quickly to the window seat and pushing open said window as he tried to remain calm.

"So what are you?" Finch demanded, clearly caught off guard by their statement, "Vampires? Witches?"

"Uh, no." Libra said, adjusting his position on the couch, "Actually we're... werewolves."

Finch suddenly felt a surge of emotion rush through her body before her brother raced from the room to his own, slamming the door behind himself as Finch felt her shoulders sag as she leaned back, staring at the three of them in pure shock and worry.

"I -- " She sighs, gripping her knees as she closed her eyes, "Where do I even begin? How am I supposed to even approach this?" She asks emotionally, "How long? How? Whem did you even find out? I have so many questions."

"And we'll answer them all." Virgo assures, "But first you need to promise is you wont tell your friends -- we cant take the risk of them not trusting us and... killing us."

"Oh, no, I know. They're not exactly trusting." She says, scooting forward, "I won't tell."

Virgo and Libra glance at their older brother who gives them a nod before he speaks, "Well," He begins clapping his hand together, "What do you want to know?"

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